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Raton Commission Rejects Billboard, Tables Ordinance Change, Agrees to Lease Old Armory

A busy night for the Raton City Commission during their regular session meeting on December 10, saw the Commission finally reject the lease agreement between Lindmark Outdoor Media for a billboard at 905 S. 2nd Street near the South Underpass.  The action culminated a discussion that had been on-going since the October 22 meeting when the commission was approached by Lindmark and the Eagen family, who is divesting itself of this aspect of their business.  The main reason for the denial was asthetics as Commissioner Chatterly has been very concerned from the beginning about a sign that would not fit in with the historic district theme.  The motion to deny passed on a three to one vote with Mayor pro-tem Linde Schuster voting no and Mayor Neil Segotta not in attendance.

The public hearing for the proposed revision to an ordinance concerning unlawful carrying of a deadly weapon was tabled to gather more information.  Several local citizens addressed the commission on the subject of amending the ordinance which was necessary if any depredation hunts were to take place to attempt to help the Raton Golf Course control damage caused by wildlife to the course.  Speaking against the proposed ordinance was Anthony Manfredi, who said he didn’t oppose the wording of the amendment, but dishcharging of firearms and the long term solution to the problem ultimately rested with the property owner and he felt the long term solution was not depredation hunting. Abigail Jones, a student at Raton High School, presented the commission with a petition signed by 22 members of her class that stated they were not against hunting, but in this scenario, there were too many risks. Although not officially speaking for the Raton Golf Course, Devon Barton said the cost to the Country Club is some 20 to $25,000 per year and they’ve looked at several options, fencing being too expensive, and some solution needs to be found.

The Commission also approved a five year lease to Colin Tawney and Jason Bennett for the old armory at the City’s Crews Field Airport.  Known now as the Raton Readiness Center, the city is expecting to get clear title to the facility from the New Mexico Armory Board very soon and will lease the facility to the pair for a proposed brewery and distillery operation in the 15, 154 square foot facility.  The lease would grant free rent for the first three years of operation as an incentive to promote and enhance local economic development efforts and in order to build their operations and obtain the required state permits.  At year four they will begin paying rent at $3/sq ft. of utilized space and will increase to $5/sq ft in the fifth year of the lease.

The Commission also approved the Capital Outlay Funding Priorities for the 2020 Legislative session, including a request for $300,000 to purchase 8 new police vehicles; $500,000 for street rehabilitation, $700,000 for an Economic Development Building, which is proposed to be a pre-engineered steel building located on the Armstrong Lane property.  City Manager Berry, explained the the Armex Building has been looked at by other possible developers, but the low roof and small loading doors have made it undesireable. $250,000 for storm drainage improvements in the original townsite.

$5 million is available to the entire state as part of the Volkswagen settlement for its emissions control violation.  The city commission approved submitting for a grant application proposing an electric vehicle charging station project with a total cost of $50,000 of which Raton would match 25% or $12,500.

During his report, City Manager Scott Berry reported meeting with new NMDOT District 4 Engineer, James Gallegos, with a high priority for the I-25 southbound exit at mile marker 451.  The exit has been a bottleneck of congested traffic for a long time and work is beginning on a temporary right turn lane.  Berry continued by saying the whole interchange is obsolete and it is one of the top priorities of District 4.  Berry also stated that Airport improvement, Rail Depot upgrade and Shuler Theater upgrade are on the list and some preliminary drilling at Lake Maloya Dam will take place this spring.

The Commission also approved the low bid of $17,500 for a Public Works asphalt roller from Records Ace Hardware.  The old roller is 30 years old.

Approved a recommendation from Lodgers Tax Board  to Shuler Restoration for $2,997 for advertising of Los Lobos concert on March 12, 2020, which will come from the printing fund.

The Commission will have a Special Meeting on December 17 at 5:00 pm and will not have its next regular meeting until January 14, 2020.

Kathy McQueary of the Raton Museum presents the City Commission a commemorative poster for the Museum’s 80th Anniversary.


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