By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners got a lot done during a short meeting Tuesday evening November 26, for their last regular meeting of the month.
Commissioners approved bids for two dump trucks one for Raton Water Works and the other for the city. Lonestar Truck Group was the only bidder with two different trucks. After review the city decided on a 2021 Freightliner M2 106 truck with a Cummins L9 engine for $97,994 per truck.
Commissioners then approved the lone bid for pickups from Phil Long Ford. The city chose two crew cab pickups for $29,135 each. One will go to Raton Water Works and the other for Public Works.
Commissioners approved the introduction of an ordinance authorizing the issuance of bonds for utility system improvement in the amount of $1,754,000. This ordinance is a formality after the loans have been paid for the Raton Water Works Project to obtain further funding for the project.
Raton has seen the benefit from summer and fall construction projects that have come to a close with cash revenues that are 4.14% above projected budget levels. City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci was happy to see this increase as the city enters what is normally a slow period in revenues for the city. (Link to October 2019 Financial Reports)
Commissioners also approved the event form for Guadalupe Credit Union’s Grand Opening coming up on December 4 at their location on 218 Park including the use of the old EL Portal lot.
Jason Phillips, who filled in for City Manager Scott Berry who was traveling today, noted that the NMDOT will be adding a right-hand turn lane to the off ramp at the I-25 and Clayton Road southbound off ramp. NMDOT will also be working on improvements to that interchange in the future. Phillips noted that Raton Mainstreet was awarded $800,000 to complete work on the Great Blocks Project. Phillips went on to commend Brenda Ferri for her work on this project and all the efforts she has put in on the grants.
Commissioners will meet again on December 10 for their next regular meeting and posted notice of a potential quorum for the outdoor recreation meeting with new Outdoor Recreation Director Axis Navas on December 5th in the commission chambers.