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Discussions On Bill Board and Depredation Hunt Fill City Commission Meeting

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners spent most of their regular Tuesday, November 12, meeting in discussion about the billboard located near City Market and the introduction of changes to the deadly weapons ordinance to allow a special hunt in the city limits.

In a two to two vote, Commissioner Ron Chavez was not present, commissioners effectively postponed the decision on the billboard lease agreement with Lindmark Outdoor Media. The discussion lead mostly by Commissioner Lorri Chatterly concerned with the aesthetics of the sign and how it looks going into the historic downtown district. The sign is a retro style sign that fits in with the historic district theme and Lindmark proposes to change the sign to a more modern vinyl style sign which Chatterly feels wouldn’t fit with the areas theme. Chatterly went on to express that she would rather not have the sign there than to have a vinyl sign up there especially if the advertising was for an out of town business or community.

The reason for the sale of the sign to Lindmark is the Eagon family is ready to retire and wants to divest the business of this type of sign work. Landmark’s reasoning to change it to vinyl is cost since they are located in Roswell it would be cost prohibitive to come up here and change the sign as often as it has been done in the past. While Commissioner Chatterly would like to see the sign stay the city is unable to purchase the sign nor afford the upkeep to promote community events. The matter will come back to the commission at their December 10th meeting.

Commissioners introduced a change to Ordinance 130.136 to allow the use of carrying a deadly weapon in the city limits for a special hunt that will be scheduled, managed and regulated by the New Mexico Game and Fish Department. This is the first step in allowing a wildlife population management hunt in the city limits in the area of the golf course. The purpose of the hunt is to try and reduce the damage that deer, turkey and elk do to the golf course especially during this time of year.

Game and Fish Major Ray Sanchez noted in the discussion that weaponry would most likely be limited to old style muzzle loader rifles, shotgun with slugs or a bow hunt. It was noted that this would not be a single hunt but an ongoing process over time, that the populations would not be reduced enough in one hunt and that what is removed would likely be replaced by other wildlife.

It was noted that fencing would be a more effective, but expensive means to control the wildlife. Game and Fish would only supply the fence materials and the city would be responsible for installation. However, this would not stop the turkey as they could easily fly over the fencing and turkey are listed as the number two problem behind deer at the course.

Game and Fish will work with the city commission on the details for a hunt should the ordinance pass or the commission chooses to go with fencing the Game and Fish will have to work through their channels for approval of that route. The commission will have a couple of public hearings for the matter during future commission meetings before making a final decision to approve or disapprove the changes.

Commissioners approved Randy Madison to the extra territorial zoning commission and approved the Raton Mainstreet Festival of Lights before a discussion about the capital outlay priorities for the city. City Manager Scott Berry noted that he would like to ask for $300,000 for new police cars and another $500,000 for street improvements. (Link to the Capital Outlay Plan)

The city has received $50,000 from New Mexico Finance Authority to update the city’s comprehensive plan. The city will only be responsible for the GRT portion of the costs. Consensus Planning is the firm that will do the update and they were the firm that did the original plan some 15 years ago.

Commissioners approved the disposal of three RPS vehicles that will be put for auction. They include a Chevy 4×4 pickup valued at $1000, an Altec Double Bucket Chevy Truck at $7500 and a Altec Digger Chevy Truck valued at $2500.

Commissioners also approved the disposal of Municipal Court records that are not required to be kept past a certain date and are regulated by the municipal records retention policy.

City Manager Berry noted that the construction projects are almost complete and that the lift station replacement on Hospital Drive is about 24% complete. With that the commission voted to go into executive session to discuss litigation in the landfill lawsuit against Mark and Lori Van Buskirk.

The commission will meet again on November 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers and may have a quorum at the court hearing on November 14 at the district courthouse in Raton.

Deer munching on the grass next to the fairway at the Raton Golf Course.
Deer moving off the little hill just past the number 4 tee box at the Raton Golf Course


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