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REGULAR MEETING NOVEMBER 12, 2019 AMENDED AGENDA Colfax County Board of Commissioners


NOVEMBER 12, 2019



PUBLIC NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Colfax County Board of Commissioners will meet in Regular Session on Tuesday, November 12, 2019 at 9:00 A.M., in the Commission Chambers, 3rd Floor at the Colfax County Building, Raton, NM for the following:


This agenda can be viewed at the Colfax County Website at


  1. Call to Order
  2. Pledge of Allegiance
  3. Salute to the New Mexico Flag
  4. Approve Agenda
  5. Approve Regular Meeting Minutes for October 28, 2019
  6. Recognize Visitors
  7. Public Comment
  8. Discuss/Action – Approve Expenditures
  9. Discuss/Action – Indigent Care Claims
  10. Presentation – Quarterly Restricting Housing Report, Vigil-Maldonado Detention Center
  11. Discuss/Action – Resolution #2019-40, A Resolution Supporting the 2020 Legislative Priorities of the New Mexico Counties
  12. Discuss/Action – RFP #2019-03,
  13. Discuss/Action – Request from the Village of Cimarron for Transfer of Property
  14. Discuss/Action – Granting County Manager the Authority to Approve Picnic License Requests
  15. Discuss/Action – Picnic License Request, Colfax Tavern for Colfax County Christmas Party
  16. Discuss/Action – 2020 Colfax County Holiday Schedule
  17. Discuss/Action – Reclassification of DWI Program Employees from Contract Exempt to Grant Funded Employee, Retroactive to November 1, 2020
  18. Discuss/Action – Reclassification of YES Program Employees from Contract Exempt to Grant Funded Employee, Retroactive to November 1, 2020
  19. Closed Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 12-6-5(2009), Report of Audit-Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP
  20. Discuss/Action – Open Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 12-6-5(2009), Report of Audit-Pattillo, Brown & Hill, LLP
  21. Closed Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1H(7), Threatening or Pending Litigation, Lodgers’ Tax Ordinance Compliance
  22. Discuss/Action – Open Session Pursuant to NMSA 1978, Section 10-15-1H(7), Threatening or Pending Litigation, Lodgers’ Tax Ordinance Compliance
  23. Commissioners’ Docket
  24. Manager’s Docket
  25. Attorney’s Docket
  26. Adjourn


Done this 6th day of November 2019


Salute to the New Mexico Flag – “I salute the flag of the State of New Mexico and the Zia Symbol of perfect friendship among united cultures”

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio