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Raton Intermediate School Fundraiser….Deadline Extended to Nov 8th

Update on the fundraiser! Because of the weather, we’re going to postpone the event until Friday, November 8th. Although it’s a bummer that we’re having to postpone, the good news is that we’ll have more time to raise money toward awesome and amazing field trips!

Raton Intermediate School is having a fundraiser that was going to take place this Friday to raise money for field trips. With this additional funding, field trips can happen more frequently, or be to destinations that are outside of the Raton area to unique and interesting places like the Royal Gorge, Meow Wolf and Earth Mountain etc.
If anyone in the community would like to donate toward this fundraiser, we have an online platform to facilitate that.
Our goal is $25,000 and as of today, we’ve raised $2,672!  We have 9 days left in our fundraiser, and donations of any size are welcome and appreciated!
The link to donate is
When you go to this link, you can either “search for participant” if there’s a specific student you’d like to donate on behalf of, or you could “donate to main fundraiser page” to make a donation to the school in general.
Thank you all for your support in our efforts!
Emma Green
Colfax County Coordinator
Healthy Kids, Healthy Communities
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