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Lady Braves Tangle with the Lady Tigers in District Match

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton hosted the Santa Fe Indian School Lady Braves Saturday afternoon October 12, in Tiger Gym for another district match.

The C-Team game was all Santa Fe as they dominated both games of the match winning both games by more than 10 points.

The JV game went into the tie breaker with Raton taking the first game of the match and losing the next two both by more than eight points.

The varsity match went four games with Raton coming from behind in the second game for the win. Raton took the early lead in game one keeping it close most of the game and finally falling behind the Lady Braves late in the game after a tying the game at 22. Santa Fe put it away with strong play a the net.

Aliana Garcia stepped up to fill in for the injured Ginger Baird at the net making several blocks during the match. In game two it stayed close through out the game with ties at 10, 14 and 16. Raton managed to pull ahead and keep the lead for the win by two.

Santa Fe took game three simply by dominating play and holding Raton to only nine points in the game. Game four went a little better as Raton took an early lead only to quickly fall behind and end up down by eight to finish off the match in four.


SFI     25  25

Raton 8  14



SFI      23  25  15

Raton  25  17   4



SFI      25  23  25  25

Raton  22  25   9  17

Zoey Salazar makes the pass during the C-team game with Santa Fe Indian School Lady Braves Saturday afternoon in Tiger Gym.
Autumn Martinez goes up for the block and makes the tip despite the hair in the face look during the JV game with the Lady Braves Saturday afternoon in Tiger Gym.
Sophie Medina goes to the floor in an attempt to save the volley during the JV game Saturday afternoon in Tiger Gym.
Jimmie Mascaranes gets the tip back over the net during the JV game against the Lady Braves in Tiger Gym Saturday afternoon.
Aliana Garcia gets up for the slam over the net Saturday afternoon against the Lady Braves.
Aliana Garcia makes the hit over the net as Mia Haceesa goes up for the block Saturday afternoon in Tiger Gym.
Aliana Garcia goes up for the block Saturday afternoon. This junior really stepped up to fill in for Ginger Baird who is out for 10 days with an injury.
Up for another block is Aliana Garcia Saturday afternoon in Tiger Gym.
Breanna Martinez reaches out for the pass during the district match with the Lady Braves Saturday afternoon.
Cousins Giana Marez and Madisyn Mileta go for the pass during the district match with Santa Fe Indian School Lady Braves Saturday afternoon.
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