By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening October 8, 2019 to meet the new Raton Water Works Director, Terry Sykes, approve event permits and grant applications.
The first item of business for the commission was the approval of event permits for the Mainstreet Safe Trick or Treat on October 31, 2019 and the Calvary Baptist Church hay ride coming up on October 23, 2019. Both events had all the necessary paperwork and were approved.
Commissioners appointed Erica Meadows to the Raton Housing Board. They also reappointed Eric Honeyfield, William Dailey and Sara Kowalski to the Labor Management Board.
Alpha Design will begin the planning for the Shuler Theater office renovation and Convention Center door hardware replacement. Dave Little will also provide oversight of the projects the total cost of his work will be $3200 for the Shuler work and $1800 for the convention Center work.
The Capital Assets Inventory certification was postponed until the next meeting. City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci is still working on the inventory to clean up some of the assets such as buildings and streets.
Commissioners approved resolution 2019-55 which supports a joint application with Raton Mainstreet for the Great Blocks Phase III funding and the city’s part to commit matching funds of 20%. Total cost of the project is estimated to be $800,000.
City Manager Scott Berry informed the commission that the Railroad Depot now belongs to the city after years of haggling. Berry noted that now the city can begin renovation on the depot using about $200,000 plus of federal highway funds that were left over from another project in town. The Shuler Theater basement renovation is now complete. The renovations upstairs at the fire station are also nearing completions. He also commended Jason Phillips for preparing the CDBG grant application that was fully funded. The city was awarded $750,000 with the scope of work being done in Downtown Raton. (Link to CDBG Award)
The Lodger’s Tax funds that went to the Country Club for water renovations are also complete and Berry noted the new systems are working well and the money was well spent with the hotel free golf game vouchers being a big success. Paving on Hart and Brilliant Streets is also complete with some finish work still needing to be completed.
Berry also met with Lisa Sedillo with the Northeast Central Economic Development where she noted that some funds will be available for planning work soon.
Commissioners may have a quorum present at the NM Mainstreet annual site visit October 10, 2019. A potential quorum may also be present at the district court house for a hearing on the case with Mark and Lori VanBuskirk on October 24, 2019. The next regular City Commission meeting will be on October 22, 2019 at 6:00 p.m.