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Raton City Commissioners Approves Gross Receipts Tax for Economic Development

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton City Commissioners approved the gross receipts tax to help fund economic development for the city of Raton at their special meeting held Thursday August 22. The special meeting was held instead of the regular meeting on August 27 so members of the commission could attend the New Mexico Municipal League Annual conference in Las Cruses next week.

During the public hearing on the gross receipts tax question only favorable comments were heard from the small contingent at the meeting. Kathy Harris noted this is for Raton’s future not just the present. Commissioners passed the .2375% tax unanimously which will go into effect on January 1, 2020.

Commissioners also approved the ICIP plan which places new police vehicles at the top of the list with street improvements second on the list. An industrial/economic development building takes the third slot with Lake Maloya Dam improvements fourth and drainage system improvements topping out the top five. (Link to Final ICIP Priorities)

City Manager Scott Berry is hoping to get ahead of the curve on police vehicles so that the city can get on a schedule eventually purchase one a year instead of all at once. Streets are always on the list as Berry notes you can never completely get all the street issues fixed like you want to. Showing up on the list this year is an economic development building which the city could use to help attract a business venture to Raton. Lake Maloya Dam improvements are on the list to help facilitate the work that will have to be done to the dam to bring it into compliance with new standards that are on the books. Drainage system improvements are to help repair a system that has been under-maintained and is at least 75 years old.

Commissioners finally heard from the Lodger’s Tax Board on three recommendations one of which will be for reimbursement because the board was not able to meet with a quorum over most of the summer. The recommendation is for $5,800 to the Raton Country Club to cover some advertising expenses for the 21stInternational Golf Tournament that occurred about a week ago bringing in some 70 golfers from out of town. The tournament attracted 99 golfers for the event.

Commissioners approved $17,088 for Raton Main Street advertising for the Gate City Music Festival and $1,670 for a one page add in the New Mexico Rail Runner Magazine Balloon Fiesta Edition hoping to attract some out of town tourist from the event.

Commissioners also heard good news from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci that the June GRT was up by .90% above budget projections. Antonucci is hoping the next two months will also show increases to help carry the city through to the property tax infusion later this year.  (Link to July 2019 Financial Report)

Commissioners approved the purchase of a new Type II Ambulance to be used for out of town transfers through the Houston Galveston Area Council Contract. The price on the new Ford ambulance will be $88,473. The price is reduced due to a rebate provided the purchase comes before the end of August.

Commissioners approved a budget adjustment despite the fact that the final budget has not been approved by DFA for the transfer of funds in order to purchase the new ambulance the funds will come out of fire fund monies and other fire funds the department has set aside.

Commissioners heard from Berry that the work on the basement at the Shuler is almost complete. The city is waiting for the contractor from the self-insures company to do some other roof repairs to city buildings. The public works department should see its new backhoe in about two weeks. The Police Department is working on the purchase of new Tough Books which will cost near $50,000. Engineers will be doing a study on the frontage road between Clayton Road and Highway 72. Berry figures there will be a need for some signage replacement and upgrades to those already in place.

Commissioners will meet again on September 10, 2019 for their regular September meeting at 6:00 p.m.

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