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Springer, French Tract Level lll Water Restrictions Go Into Effect

Public Notice

Level lll Water Restrictions

The Town of Springer’s Council met on April 23, 2019, to discuss water restrictions and agreed unanimously that to ensure a sufficient water supply to our community and service areas for as long as possible, Level III Water restrictions were necessary.

Restrictions will go in effect as of May 1st, 2019.

Level III Water restrictions-  restricts residential users to 8,000-gallon maximum use per residence per billing month as per Ordinance 366.

Commercial properties that use excessive amounts of water will have their monthly usage calculated as per Ordinance 366.

Penalties will be enforced for usage over 8,000 gallons.

Restrictions will remain in effect until such time as Council deems it unnecessary as per future water accumulation as weather permits.

Thank you for your cooperation during this time.

For any further information, call the Town of Springer.

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio