By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton High students tackled some tough subjects Tuesday morning April 9, as presenters from the Attorney General’s office and La Pinon Sexual Assault Recovery Services presented students with information on Cyber Safety and Bullying to Sexual Harassment.
Freshmen to seniors attended the four classes over the course of the morning, with each grade level seeing each class together. In the presentation about cyber safety and cyber bullying they covered who the victims are and some of the effects that bullying can have as well as the consequences of bullying. If students are being bullied, they were encouraged to report it and were informed on where and how to get help.
The attorney general’s team also covered human trafficking and the complex trauma bonds that occur between the traffickers and their victims. The discussion included information on victimology and trafficking techniques.
La Pinon covered the topics of sexual harassment describing what it is and what to do about it. Another unique topic that La Pinon covered was how to be an active bystander and learn to be an advocate for self-protection against sexual violence.
Part of the purpose for the symposium is to comply with Aaron’s Law. The original law failed in congress in 2013 but forced more changes to the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 that was already on the books. The CFAA deals with computer abuses and has been deemed very vague which allowed prosecutors wide latitude in charging violators. Aaron’s Law was drafted as a result of Aaron Swartz’s death after he was arrested for violations of the CFAA.
After lunch students were presented with seven different choices of topics from eating disorders to distracted driving to coping with stress with painting, mindfulness and relaxation to conquering their fears.
Emma Green presented skills on how to manage teen stress while the local FCCLA Chapter presented a program on the effects of distracted driving, which included the drunk goggles. Mona Sandoval covered eating disorders providing information of how harmful bad eating habits can be on students.
Tim McCoy brought in the paint to cover expressive painting with acrylics. Julie Main covered decision-making process and how to make good choices. The New Mexico National Guard had the really fun program which included an obstacle course and bouncy house to help students focus on goals and conquer their fears by overcoming challenges and obstacles. Collette Armijo gave the students the experience of relaxation with mindful breathing and relaxation techniques to deal with stress and control anxiety.
Other topics included team work and team building presented by Pat Walsh from the Mandala Center which covered communication skills and better listening all while building lasting relationships. Sherry Trevino, Colfax County Assistant District Attorney, covered the military as a career by identifying the benefits and requirements to join and stay in the military.
Wells Fargo representatives covered the value of money showing students how to manage their money and importantly their credit. Mary Ganz showed student how a DWI can impact families and what the real cost is. Mark McDonald and Jessica Barfield presented information on strategies for career preparation and college prep.