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2019 Raton High School NM Boys State Representatives

L to R: Garrett Kelley is the son of James and Victoria Kelley. Hunter Kuchan son of Clint and Teresa Kuchan.

Boys State is made up of young men from all across the state who have just completed their junior of high school, going into their senior year. Delegates will learn how state and local government and elections work by campaigning for one of the many offices on the state, county, or municipal level and then actually doing the work that their real-world counterpart would do. They work on bills in their legislature and work economic development projects in their city, all the while competing against other delegates and cities. This practical experience will allow delegates to leave Boys’ State with a real-world understanding of democracy, campaigning for office to being an overall more informed and well-rounded citizen primed to be the leaders of tomorrow.

Article and Photo Submission Credit:

Lynette M. Simpson, MA
Raton High School

C 2005-2018 KRTN Enchanted Air Radio