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Raton Pulls Out a Squeaker Thursday Night

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

The Lady Tigers hosted Des Moines Thursday night in what turned out to be a squeaker of a game where Raton lead by as much as 10 points before Des Moines battled back to within two with only seconds on the clock Raton held on for a 52-49 win.

The first quarter action saw both teams battle it out and exchange the lead several times before Raton managed to get a handle on things and gain a four point lead in the second quarter. Raton had been plagued by bad passes in previous games but seemed to have worked that problem out despite the extra pressure Des Moines put on Raton. Raton went into halftime with their biggest lead of the game at 27-20.

Third quarter action saw Raton continue to work the lead and at one point garnered a nine point spread. The fourth quarter saw Raton take a 10 point lead with 7:08 in the game only to see it dwindle down as the quarter wore on. With only 51 seconds on the clock Des Moines was behind by two and the fireworks would soon begin as miscommunications by the referees and the score table got the crowd worked up.

With only 13 seconds on the clock Raton was at there free throw line and managed to extend their lead to three and hold on as the final buzzer ended this physical game.

Des Moines 13  7  8  21   49

Raton  14  13  11  14  52

Des Moines High Point

Grace Hall 16  4 of 9 free throws

Angie Lopez 18  4 of 7 free throws

Free throws 12 of 21 attempts

Raton High Point

Baylor Walton  13  3 of 8 free throws

Becca Muniz 11  2 of 3 free throws

Jadyn Walton  12  2 of 4 free throws

Grace Hall (5) goes for the block and draws the foul as Baylor Walton takes the short shot inside the lane Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.


Paiton Owensby (14) gets an arm on the ball as Baylor Walton (3) tries to go up for the shot Thursday evening in Tiger Gym against Des Moines.


Riley Hopper and Paiton Owensby struggle to gain control of the ball during the Rain Des Moines game Thursday evening in Tiger Gym


Kerrigan Weese Takes on Allison Guerrero (2) and Angie Lopez for the rebound Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.


Jacee Sumpter works to keep control of the ball as Kerrigan Weese gets a hand on it and Baylor Walton reaches in for the ball Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.


Kerrigan Weese (32) and Taya Archuleta (22) go for the rebound during the Thursday evening game in Tiger Gym.


Sydney Turner reaches for the ball as Baylor Walton tries to go up for the shot Thursday evening in Tiger Gym.


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