By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening, November 27th to go over a range of items including Capital Outlay Priorities and Municipal Election changes.
City Manager Scott Berry gave commissioners a run-down of the list of Capital Outlay priorities he has developed for commission approval. Berry noted that street improvements are always near or at the top of the list and this year is no exception. Berry noted that state revenues are looking much better than in past years and should fund several communities’ projects. The first priority is street improvements in the downtown area on Park Ave and Cook Ave. The second item on the list is police department equipment including new laptops and three new vehicles. The total amount on the list is about $1.85 million. (link to Capital Outlay Priorities)
Commissioners then heard about some changes for municipal elections. The State Statute governing municipal elections, Chapter 3, has been repealed which brings municipalities under the same election code that covers counties and state elections. One option for the commissioners to consider is to opt in to the November general elections while option two would be to leave things as they are. There is a considerable cost savings for the city to opt in, noted City Clerk Michael Anne Antonucci. The city spends about $7000 on elections and could save as much as $2500 by opting in.
Opting in to the November Election will change the current commissioner’s terms by reducing them by three months. And depending on the term could extend it by 21 months. Antonucci noted there could be a bigger voter turnout for the election but voters could have to deal with a longer ballot. Also, special elections could be held to vote on bond issues or other questions but not candidates. Commissioners think the opt in to the November election would be the better way to go. (link to Election Changes and Options)
Commissioners approved the revised Transportation Alternatives Program application to ask for the full amount of $980,000 to finish phase two and three of the Great Blocks project. The original amount being asked for on the application was $600,000 to cover phase two. Jason Phillips noted they had a site visit two weeks ago and the recommendation from the site inspectors was to ask for the full project amount. The city will come up with a match of 20% or $196,000 coming from the gas tax. Phillips noted the required match is only 14.5% but he felt the 20% match would give them a better score and thus a better chance of funding.
Arthur Rolloff was the only bidder for Solid Waste Rolloffs. The bid was for 150 loads at $240 per container totaling $36,000 which commissioners approved.
Commissioners then approved the grant agreement with NMDOT for $8187.00 for traffic safety programs with the Raton Police Department. The grant covers ENDWI enforcement, Buckle Up program, and the 100 days and nights of Summer program.
Commissioners approved the Lodger’s Tax Advisory board recommendation to give LMNOC Radio, $8000 for advertising which will be coordinated with Jessica Barfield and the Center for Community Innovation, formerly the Center for Sustainable Community.
Commissioners heard from Berry concerning a three-month trend of lower revenues. He added that if the trend continues the city could see a deficit compared to what the city budgeted for FY 2019. Antonucci noted in the October report that the November GRT is .6% above budget. She added that winter months usually see a decline in revenues but not this early in the year. (Link to October Financial Report)
Commissioners then approved the FY2019 Budget Adjustment #5 which closes out a couple of construction projects and moves money around for repairs on the HVAC system at the aquatic center. (Link to Budget Adjustment #5)
In Berry’s city manager report he reported that the staff is beginning work on the strategic plan for the city and is planning a work session December 17 at the convention center from 3:00 to 5:00. There is also a meeting with Amtrak on December 11.
Berry went on to note that work is still ongoing on the city building roofs from the hail storm. Contractors are working on the housing authority buildings now.
The New Mexico Economic Development is requesting information on an opportunity zone in east Raton, notably an industrial campus on Armstrong Lane.
Public Works and Public Safety had a meeting with NMDOT about winter snow issues especially those that could be affected by the construction work on the pass. Berry noted that the state will probably be more likely to close the pass this winter to alleviate snow removal issues.
Commissioners then went into executive session to discuss certain purchases or review RFP’s for business and economic development services. They will meet again on December 11 for their next regular meeting which will be heard on KRTN AM 1490.