By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton unveiled its new marketing logo Friday night at the electric light parade which features the Raton Pass as ours and yours.
Literature about the brand talks about the importance of the wheel in the history of Raton from the wagon trains of the Santa Fe Trail to the railroads and the crossroads that that bring travelers to the area. Raton’s Goat Hill fills the negative space relating our connection with the land and the surrounding areas.
The tagline on the brand “Your Pass” references the Raton Pass as a unique feature that no one else can claim and by which many travelers recognize the area. The use of “your” invites visitors to enjoy all Raton has to offer in and around the community. the underline reflects a strike in the earth, hearkening to our mining history and also the highlighting the duality of “your” and “our” in the same word. The tagline will be expanded to marketing campaigns as “your pass to…” offering a flexibility for promoting area attractions and events, Raton, Your Pass to Adventure! (Link to Raton Logo literature)
The brand essence talks about the Raton and how it is a perfect distance for access to regional fun. A crossroads that is equal distance from Albuquerque, New Mexico, Denver, Colorado, and Amarillo Texas to bring those folks to the small town where there is just the right amount of activities and history to provide a rich full life. It goes on to talk about the area and some of what it offers from the fusion of our cultures forged from our mining history. Raton is wide open; a place to relax. Stay a day, a week, or a lifetime. Raton, Your Pass!