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Hope, the Rebirth has begun in Cimarron Canyon

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


A trip through Cimarron Canyon these days shows a stark difference to the scene of only a few months ago when the Ute Park Fire devastated the area and left it looking like a scene out of a sci-fi movie.

On Saturday the canyon was showing signs of regrowth and rebirth as grasses, wild flowers and other vegetation such as wild grape vines, wild roses and the ever-present oak brush has retaken the areas that were thought to be barren for years to come. The rains have reshaped the landscape as rock and other debris has been washed down the hillside into the Cimarron River. With less vegetation to hold the rain water, flooding has occurred along the river and in some places rerouted the flow of water.

Fall will soon recolor the landscape as the vegetation begins to take on its fall color. Along the canyon there is already some signs of the change coming as some of the wild roses and wild grape vines are turning a deep red. The Oak brush will soon begin its fall color change which should provide a spectacular sight as it contrast the golds and reds against the charred wood of the trees and oaks.

Take a look at the video and photos to see how Mother Nature is nurturing the rebirth of the canyon.


Looking Southeast just east of Ute Park where the green is beginning to show through on the hillside.


As fall begins to show its color this wild rose turns red along the Cimarron River in Cimarron Canyon.


The Oak brush is growing in Cimarron Canyon much like it did after the Track Fire. While the Ute Park Fire devastated the older Oaks and Pine Trees as seen here, new life begins with grass going to seed and new shoots of Oak.


New green growth shows up along the Cimarron River in Cimarron Canyon just a few months after the fire devastated the area.


Sunflowers stand tall amidst the char and bare ground as new growth begins to retake the area along the Cimarron River in Cimarron Canyon between Cimarron and Ute Park.


The green vines and wild rose are a stark contrast to the blackened tree behind them in Cimarron Canyon only a few months after the Ute Park Fire devastated the area.


While charred logs liters the area new growth is bringing color back to the area in Cimarron Canyon after the Ute Park Fire.


There is evidence of debris along the Cimarron River as the rains brought down the hillside but the green remains and flourishes from the richened soil made possible by the fire.


Sunflowers and other vegetation have taken root in places where it was thought there wouldn’t be any vegetation for years to come in the Cimarron Canyon after the Ute Park Fire.


The Sunflowers stand amid the ashes and rubble of the Ute Park Fire only a few months after it devastated the area.


The Cimarron River meanders through the burn scar of the Ute Park Fire where new growth is showing up in time for fall colors.


Sunflowers, vegetation and charred wood contrast the stark difference of fire and regrowth in the Cimarron Canyon.


A charred telephone pole stands amidst the charred trees and regrowth of vegetation along the Cimarron River in Cimarron Canyon.


Fall Colors begin to show in a sea of green in an area of Cimarron Canyon that was untouched by the Ute Park Fire only a few months ago.

One Comment

  1. Dale Finley Dale Finley October 6, 2018

    Thanks for posting the pictures of Cimarron Canyon.
    Keep them coming…
    Hopefully in 2019 I / we can do our ham radio for scouting again at Philmont.
    kb5nft ham operator from Carrollton, TX

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