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NMSP Labor Day C.A.R.E. Operation


September 4, 2018


State Wide New Mexico – During the Labor Day holiday, the New Mexico State Police participated in the Combined Accident Reduction Effort (CARE) operation across all roadways within the state.  The goal of the traffic initiative is that a strong law enforcement presence will have a direct effect on the driving behaviors of motorists during the holiday weekend, and, thus, reduce the number of crashes and increase motorist safety.

The NMSP provided an increased patrol presence during this initiative on roadways throughout all State Police districts. Because of the increased volume of traffic during the holiday, the NMSP conducted high intensity traffic operations state wide on the busiest travel days of the Labor Day weekend, specifically Saturday September 1, through Monday September 3, 2018.

Operations over the holiday resulted in State Police officers issuing about 2,822 traffic citations (127 citations were for lack of seat belt usage) and arresting 44 drunk drivers state wide.  Officers handled a total of 35 crashes, 1 being a fatal crash, and made 18 arrests due to drug related crimes.  The Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Bureau issued approximately 122 commercial vehicle citations and conducted over 400 commercial vehicle inspections.

The safety of motorists is a top priority of the New Mexico State Police and officers will continue holiday travel operations throughout the upcoming winter season.  We encourage the public to drive safely and obey all laws while traveling the motorways of New Mexico.



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