2018 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally Sites and Sounds
June 30, 2018
By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The spectators arrived at the 2018 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally with smiles and ready to eat as the lines grew for the Kiwanas Club pancake breakfast and coffee at the Enchanted Grounds trailer Saturday morning while they waited for the balloons to fill and lift off.
Pilots gathered for the morning briefing and were given the weather forecast that included winds up to about 10 mph. The pie ball balloons that were launched went to the southeast then made a right turn as they reached an elevation of about 200 feet above ground. Many pilots chose to wait and see if the erratic winds let up or changed directions as the sun rose into the smoky sky.
Some pilots chose to stay on the ground while others headed up and went south. There were many new faces in the crowd with many visitors from Texas and surrounding states as seen by the license plates. License plates from New York and Florida were seen as well. One visitor from Dallas Texas said they stayed in Raton last night and saw the posters for the rally and decided to check it out before going on to Creede and Breckenridge Colorado.
The rally will continue on Sunday and Monday with mass ascensions each morning at about 7:00 a.m.
A good crowd showed up Saturday morning for the International Santa Fe Trail Balloon rally.
The balloon sponsored by Sierra Communications tests the burner in preparation for flight.
Sitting at the ready is the basket owned by Bill Dimmitt-Heavenly Angel and Sponsored by KRTN Radio and Apollo Laundry
Pilot Anthony Lard readies the burner for his balloon Iris Saturday morning, his balloon was sponsored by Vermejo Park Ranch.
Lindé Schuster and Melissa Unger help hold the throat of the balloon open as it’s filled with air Saturday morning during the International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally
The Stars and Stripes Balloon prepares for launch.
Stars and Stripe fills with air.
Iris is ready for take off. Some balloon pilots however chose to stay on the ground as erratic winds made flying iffy Saturday morning.
Balloons inflate as the crowd watches in anticipation of flight.
Bill Dimmit’s Balloon Heavenly Angel inflates Saturday morning as the crowd looks on.
Erratic winds Saturday morning held some balloons on the ground while others waited to see what the winds would do before inflating.
Balloon Airgasm owned by Debby Young begins the inflation process Saturday morning at the 2018 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally
An inside look at Airgasm as it inflates Saturday morning.
Pilot Debby Young attaches the velcro from the balloon to the cap in the balloon as Eric Armstrong waits with the crown rope.
Balloons at the ready as pilots watch the flags to see what the winds are doing.
Bill Dimmitts crew walks the balloon up the slope before take off.
Bill Dimmitt’s balloon Heavenly Angel begins to deflate after a short ride Saturday morning.
Heavenly Angel quickly deflates Saturday morning at the 2018 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally.
Airgasm deflates, unlike Heavenly Angel where the whole top opens up this balloon deflates as the cap is pulled down to open the top.
Coming in for a landing on the far end off the La Mesa Airfield
Balloons work their way south with the wind Saturday morning at the 2018 International Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally.