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More Rain and Hail hit Raton Monday

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

It was a welcome site to Raton as the rain began about 3:20 Monday afternoon, soon after however pea to marble size hail began to pummel the area and piled up to just over an inch on the yards and streets of Raton.

In north Raton however the drainage down Moulton filled the low lying area at Canyon Drive and Moulton as the storm drains filled to over capacity. The water filled the area over the curb before city crews could get the heavy equipment in to push the excess water and hail off the street.

The hour and a half rain and hail event left Raton with 1.40″ in Downtown Raton and KRTN with 1.12″ more rain was expected in the Raton area during the evening. Downtown received another .21″ Monday evening. Raton has received about 2.00″ in the downtown area over the last three days.



Looking down Rio Grande the hail piled up on the street and yards about an inch deep after an hour and half rain event Monday afternoon.


It was a little more rain and hail than the storm drains at Moulton and Canyon Drive could handle Monday afternoon as city crews use the heavy equipment to move the excess water and hail away from the low lying area.


City crews piled the hail up on north Second Street before pushing it off to the side Monday afternoon after an hour and half rain event.


The city backhoe moves some debris away from the storm drain under the north underpass going to north First Street Monday afternoon after a big rain hit the Raton area.
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