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Run for the Wall Rides Through Raton

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

30 years ago a small group of veterans took a ride. Little did they know that, that ride would grow into an annual event that is now the largest Memorial Day celebration in the country. The ride was done simply to heal wounds that went deep, not only into the body, but the soul of those veterans who came home to less than a warm welcome or no welcome at all.

Dennie Georgette has riden the Run for the Wall since 2000 and but hasn’t missed a year since 2008. When he started it was simply a ride to heal. A desire has grown from within and today he rides to help others as an Ambassador for the Run for the Wall. To provide camaraderie to those who are still feeling the pain of the battle. He noted that he will be doing this as long as he can get his leg over the saddle. Harlin Olsen a RFTW coordinator began his ride in Colorado several years ago, not knowing what to expect he said he was hooked and has been riding ever since.

Others who have made the trip talk about how emotional it is. How important it is to be able to talk to someone who has been there and simply understands the pain of those wounds, not only the physical but the emotional wounds as well. One veteran told us that the ride is not so much for himself but to get the government to work harder at bringing those MIA warriors home. To provide more funding to accomplish “the mission.”

Georgette who is now an Ambassador for the Run helps promote the “Mission for the Ride,” which states “to promote healing among ALL veterans and their families and friends”. “To Honor the memory of those Killed in Action (KIA) in all wars” and “to support our military personnel all over the world.”

Many of the riders wear patches on the back of their vest promoting the purpose of the Ride. It states, “We ride for those who can’t” For those who have given the ultimate sacrifice in order for us to have the freedoms we enjoy today. To remind us that those individuals, the prisoners of war and the missing in action, should not be forgotten. Georgette noted that his wife’s brother’s name is on the wall, another reason for his participation. Other veterans carry memorials with them to leave at the wall as a way to remember them. To remind others of      their ultimate sacrifice.


Ron stopped long enough to pose with Ava Mayfield who made this sign to show her support for the riders. She later told Grandpaw it was a nice thing to do for them.


In honor of Benjamin Kelly and Charles Hussey. This rider is carrying these photos to honor those young men who died for our country, these will be left at the Wall in Washington DC later this month during Rolling Thunder. The Wall Memorial will place those in the museum that holds the thousands of items left at the Vietnam Memorial Wall.


Old Glory once again spans Clayton Road in south Raton as the Young Marines pose for their picture Saturday morning during the Run for the Wall celebration.


Many of the Riders have patches on the back of their vests that symbolize why they ride. They ride for the fallen soldiers who have been left behind, for those who gave the ultimate sacrifice.


Denny Georgette and George Creacy pose for a picture. Both have been riding a long time and hold the Run for the Wall with high esteem as one of the highlights of the year.


Veterans come from all over the world to make this ride, as the patch shows this vet is from Australia.


As you can see this vet has ridden for several years. Many say its for the healing as they come to grips with a nation that shunned them when they came home from Vietnam.


The flags fly in the breeze on the lawn of the visitor’s center in south Raton as Riders gather and prepare to journey on to their next stop in Pueblo.


Flags fly in the breeze Saturday morning in honor of the Run for the Wall participants.


Memories from Vietnam.


The Raton Young Marines stand ready to present the colors Saturday morning before a short ceremony held at the Peak Inn in south Raton.


The Road Guards carry the colors during the Run for the Wall through Raton Saturday morning.


Over 400 bikes travel down Second Street in Raton Saturday morning as the Run for the Wall heads north into Colorado and on to Washington DC later this month.


The rumble of the bikes can be heard through downtown Raton Saturday morning as the Run for the Wall participants head north and on to Washington DC.

One Comment

  1. Natalie Trujillo Natalie Trujillo May 21, 2018

    Thank you for this Marty, you are very much appreciated!!!

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