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RHS Graduates 33 Seniors Friday Night

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media

33 Seniors walked across the stage Friday night to receive their high school diplomas and to begin a new journey in life.

A journey that Valedictorian Brittany Fleming says in her Valedictorian Address would require the seniors “to pay taxes, manage a budget and the list goes on” She noted that “high school came with a reassurance of knowing your journey from beginning to end and each step you needed to take to get there. But now life gives us the gift of endless choices, with each choice leading us in a different direction.” She noted in her address that the next step is the important one.

Lynette Simpson, RHS Counselor, noted that seniors applied for and received over $952,000 in scholarships this year. After Camryn Mileta recognized the National Honor Society seniors followed by Noah Schoonover presenting the seniors who wore cords and pins and the meaning of each color and pin. Autumn Archuleta honored the faculty and administration of the Raton Public School with Brianna Marquez honoring the parents of the Class of 2018.

Sydni Silva, Senior Class President, presented the key to the school to Junior Class President Lijah Medina.

Diplomas were presented and the class song “I’ll Always Remember you” by Miley Cyrus was played while silly string flew and dances were performed by the seniors with the finale of RHS finales, Nathaniel Tarbox nailed a summersault.

Halle Medina noted in her Farewell Address that “many say graduation is not a goodbye, but simply another beginning.” She went on to say thank you to the parents and faculty and staff at Raton High. She added that we shouldn’t let ourselves be labeled by others but  “let us be defined by the content of our character and the determination we show in adversity. No label or number can ever define us or limit what we are capable of. Because in this moment and every moment in the future we are infinite and so are the possibilities of our futures.”  She finished her address by saying “I refuse to say goodby, so I simply leave you with a thank you.”


Richie Gonzales began the RHS graduation ceremonies Friday night leading the crowd in the Pledge of Allegiance after the Young Marines Color Guard posted the colors.


Camryn Stoecker gave the Welcome Address for the 2018 RHS Graduation Friday night.


Superintendent Andy Ortiz presented Halle Medina with the Salutatorian Award at the RHS Graduation practice Friday morning in Tiger Gym.


Brittany Fleming was awarded the Valedictorian Award at the practice for the RHS Graduation on Friday.


Brittany Fleming starts her Valedictorian Address off by looking at her watch noting that it was time for the students to prepare for the future they are about to enter.


Brittany Fleming gave the speech at the Raton High School Graduation Ceremony held Friday in Tiger Gym.


Camryn Stoecker, Camryn Mileta and Brittany Fleming were given certificates for completing their phlebotomy course work.


Camryn Mileta honored the National Honor Society Students, while Noah Schoonover recognized those students wearing cords and pins. Autumn Archuleta honored the Faculty and Administration of the Raton Schools. Brianna Marquez honored the parents on the Class of 2018.


Senior Class President Sydni Silva passed the honorary key to Junior Class President Lijah Medina Friday


The Silly String flies as the Class of 2108 celebrates their milestone.


The Silly String flies as the Class of 2018 celebrates the completion of their high school days.


Halle Medina gives the Farewell Address to her fellow students and the rest of the crowd at Tiger Gym Friday night during the RHS Graduation Ceremony.


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