By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media –
The Raton City Commission met Tuesday evening, April 24th to handle an assortment of items on the agenda from a budget hearing on the FY 2019 budget to budget adjustments to start closing out the end of the fiscal year.
The meeting began with committee reports from commissioners followed by a public hearing for the fiscal year 2019 budget. City Manager Scott Berry reminded the commission of some of the issues they will have to deal with including a 4% increase in health insurance premiums. The closing of K-Mart and less construction this upcoming year will put a dent in the gross receipts taxes that are the primary source of revenue for the city.
Paul Jenkins of Grow Raton spoke to the commission about the need for a vacant building ordinance and asked the commission to put into the budget $15,000 for a part-time employee to work for Grow Raton on a database of vacant buildings and a marketing strategy to market those buildings to potential buyers, leasees or others. The push for the ordinance is to hopefully push property owners to take better care of those buildings. Diana Sanchez noted that Raton Mainstreet also will begin the same process but it will be restricted to the downtown area. Jenkins is wanting the inventory of buildings to go on Grow Raton’s web page to market to potential users.
Berry noted that one of the issues with the ordinance will be how to define and identify what a vacant building is. He noted that in conversations with some property owners what most people would consider a vacant building was actually a storage building for someone, or the building is occupied only part-time.
Commissioners then approved $2,380 for the Raton Country Club to help with the I Love Raton Golf tourney. The Country Club had asked for $3000 but there was a question about the purchase of food for banquet so that was removed from the amount awarded. They also approved $6000 for Raton MainStreet to advertise the International/Santa Fe Trail Balloon Rally.
Commissioners approved the plans for the Run for the Wall event that has been coming through Raton for 15 years this year. It will include road closures on Clayton Road for a short time May 19th. The participants will then travel up Second Street on their way out of town that morning.
Commissioners heard that the gross receipts collections were down but still 3.67% above what was budgeted. This keeps the city in good shape for now and hopeful for the near future until the closure of K-Mart is felt. Commissioners also approved budget adjustment #13 which includes several line item transfers to cover fire fighter overtime and moving funds to help close out grants and projects for the end of the fiscal year. (Link to the 3rd Qtr Financial Report) (Link to the Budget Adjustment #13)
Commissioners appointed Michael Anne Antonucci as the Clerk Treasurer for the City of Raton. She has held that title on an interim basis since November. Due to budget issues it was decided it would be best to once again combine the two jobs of city clerk and treasurer. Antonucci noted that with the current staff sharing duties it will help keep the work load manageable.
Berry noted in his report that he attended the NM Rural Economic Development meeting in Raton where they discussed the latest legislative news and what it will mean to rural economies, namely the cuts to funding. Berry also thanked Joe Horner and the participants of the Comcast Care day this last week in which the Raton ball fields received a cleanup and needed painting.
Commissioners will meet again on Tuesday May 8th, 2018 in the commission chambers to continue the budget process, with the meeting broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.