By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
A Raton city trash truck demolished the announcer’s booth at Gabriele Field Tuesday morning about 10:50 a.m., but fortunately no one was in the booth at the time of the accident, and the driver was uninjured.
According to the police report the driver had lifted the dumpster up into the truck when the engine died. He then exited the vehicle and failed to set the emergency brake, the truck then began to roll forward in the parking lot of Gabrielle Field jumping the curb and rolling over the announcer’s booth.
The accident is still under investigation and will definitely have an effect on the baseball game not only scheduled this afternoon, butĀ for the near future as all of the electronics for the lights, PA system and scoreboard were housed in the booth.

You missed a golden headline opportunity, “Truck trashes announcers booth”.