By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media –
Raton City Commissioners again had to table a proposal to acquire the Raton Train Depot, after BNSF balked to sign off on an agreement in time for the Tuesday, April 10th meeting.
Commissioners heard from City Manager Scott Berry concerning the upcoming budget process that will begin in earnest at the next meeting with another public hearing on the city budget. Berry noted that while the city had budgeted for a Gross Receipts decline it had not been as bad as predicted. However, the small cities assistance monies were about $70,000 less than was budgeted. Berry noted it has been very erratic over the last two years. The closing of K-Mart will also affect the GRT but it isn’t known just how badly as Berry is hoping that other businesses will be able to pick up some of the slack.
Other issues the city will have to deal with is insurance increases in both business insurance and health insurance. He is expecting the business insurance to increase by about 5% and health insurance will increase by about 4%. The Interim budget is due into DFA by June 1, 2018.
Dan Campbell, Raton Water Works General Manager, requested that commissioners postpone the start of the process to issue bonds for the Filter Plant project. Campbell noted that documents from the USDA had not arrived and didn’t want to get ahead of things while waiting on paperwork.
Commissioners approved the use of Karr, Riggs and Ingram to be the city auditor for this year. This will be the fifth year that the city has used this firm, which sounds like a different firm because of its mergers and name changes. Since the city has a large amount of federal spending this year there will be some additional work to do for the audit and City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci wanted to get the process started as soon as they could.
Commissioners then approved Gordon Environmental to do the landfill monitoring for this year. The bid for the monitoring will be $25,400 up from $23,900 last year.
Commissioner approved the reissuing of a loan with the New Mexico Finance Authority as the current loan is about to reach its five-year limit. The original loan has reached its limit due to delays in getting the needed financing for the transfer station and beginning the work. The design phase of the transfer station is at about 90% with the metal building having been delivered and construction should begin soon.
Doss Aviation is requesting additional hangar space at the airport due to increased business. The State Aviation has agreed to pay 50% of the cost for a new hangar which is estimated at $500,000. The city will seek additional funding to build the 10,000 square foot hangar.
Commissioners postponed a decision on the agreements with Amtrak for the depot as the city is waiting on final approval from BNSF. Berry explained to the commission, that BNSF’s perspective is that they are donating an asset to the city, but Berry explained that even though it is hoped that the depot could be made into a world-class facility, it is still a big undertaking for the city. Much work needs to be done and many dollars need to be spent and some of the federal grant money that has been allocated in anticipation of the transfer has been in limbo for a long time and is being questioned by granting officials.
Commissioners will also take up the assigned commission liaison board appointments at the next meeting. They have been hearing complaints about no report on the meetings that they haven’t been attending, but in most cases, it’s because that the boards or committee hasn’t met recently or in months. As a result, they postponed the appointment of a commissioner liaison to the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board.
Commissioners approved Budget Adjustment #12 which includes reimbursement for the School Resource Officer Cops Grant. City Treasurer Antonucci has to transfer money until the grant reimbursement comes in which she noted only took a few days this last time. Link to Budget Adjustment #12 FY2018
Berry noted in his report that Raton Fire Department personnel have responded to several grass fires and he urged caution due to the dry conditions. City crews are working on the parks getting the irrigation systems back in order.
Berry and Jason Phillips attended the recent state aviation meeting and The Raton airport was nominated for airport of the year. Berry noted however the Taos airport was awarded that designation after a $25 million dollar project was completed.
Berry also noted there may be some federal funding available in the future for the Great Blocks program, and he is hoping the city may acquire some to continue work on the project.
The meeting began with comments from the public and resident Ivan Caylor addressed the commission about a matter with code enforcement.
Caylor was complaining about how he was treated by City Manager Scott Berry and how the code enforcement works, or doesn’t work in Raton as he feels there are a number of over grown and simply trashy areas in town that need to be taken care of.
Commissioners then went into executive session to discuss pending litigation, specifically the landfill lawsuit brought by Mark and Lori Van Buskirk.
Commissioners will meet again on April 24, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers and will be broadcast on AM 1490 KRTN.

These notes are so helpful. Thank you KRTN for providing this coverage and service to the community.