By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Rocky Johnson age 30 was arrested by Raton Police Friday March 30, 2018 after being stopped for a traffic violation that led to a confrontation and several serious charges against Johnson according to the statement of Probable Cause filed in Magistrate Court on April 2, 2018.
Johnson had been pulled over just before midnight by Officer Derrick Valdez for a cracked windshield. Valdez determined something was suspicious after running the individual’s driver license which did not match the individual he stopped. Johnson had given Valdez the name of Cody Johnson. The description and photo that returned from the records search did not match the subject that was in the vehicle. As Valdez continued to question the Johnson he noticed he was very nervous and hesitant about answering questions.
Valdez asked Johnson to exit the vehicle, as Valdez approached Johnson to place him in investigative detention Johnson became agitated and resisted Valdez’s commands. Johnson by this time had worked his way to the passenger side of the vehicle where he began to run to the east toward the north side of the old plaza building. The chase ensued into the Raton Creek concrete ditch with Johnson refusing to yield to Valdez’s commands to stop.
While in the ditch Johnson picked up a large rock and turned toward Valdez. Johnson then tossed the rock at Valdez striking him in the leg just below the knee. Valdez then tazed Johnson which was ineffective. Valdez then managed to wrestle Johnson to the ground with Johnson continuing to resist being placed in custody. Johnson then managed to break away and ran south along the ditch.
As the chase continued Valdez once again managed to tackle Johnson in the ditch near Roundhouse Park where Office Nicolina Martinez joined the fray. While on the ground Valdez attempted to once again stun Johnson with his tazer which failed. Johnson managed to wrestle the tazer away from Valdez and pointed it at Martinez. Johnson was able to taze Officer Martinez and Valdez while the Tazer recycled Valdez continued to wrestle with Johnson and get a hand cuff on him while Martinez got a cuff on his other arm. In the scuffle Johnson then kicked Martinez in the chest knocking her away. As they began to gain control of the situation Johnson once again kicked Martinez in the face at which time Martinez then deployed her tazer striking Johnson in the stomach at which time he succumbed and officers were able to get him fully cuffed.
Once Raton EMS arrived on the scene Valdez was finally able to get Johnson’s real name and date of birth. With the new information in hand another records check was made and it was revealed that Johnson was wanted in Carlsbad, New Mexico with nationwide extradition. Johnson also told officers the reason he ran was that he was under the influence of Methamphetamine. Johnson was transported to MCMC for evaluation.
Once Johnson was released from MCMC he was transported to the Vigil Maldonado Detention Center where he was charged with Assault with intent to commit a Violent Felony Upon a Police Officer, two counts of Aggravated Battery on a Police Officer, disarming a Police Officer, two counts of Resisting, Evading, Obstructing an Officer and Concealing Identity as well as the bench warrant out of Carlsbad. The Carlsbad warrant is for Larceny, Tampering with Evidence and resisting and evading an officer. Johnson has several other cases involving drugs and battery going back to 2008 according to court records.
Johnson is scheduled to come before Magistrate Judge Warren Walton on Friday April 6, 2018 for a conditions of release hearing and a preliminary hearing is scheduled for April 13, 2018. Bond for Johnson has been set at $50,000 cash or surety. Johnson remains in custody at VMDC.
NOTE!! Both officers are doing fine and should be back to work very soon according to Raton Police Chief John Garcia.