By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
The Raton City Commission began the first meeting after the municipal election by reorganizing the commission with unanimous selection of Neal Segotta elected to Mayor and Lindé Schuster to the Mayor Pro-Tem position Tuesday evening, March 13th.
Board appointments are as follows:
Raton Water Works – Mayor Pro-Tem Schuster and Commissioner Chavez;
Raton Public Service – Mayor Segotta;
Planning and Zoning Commission – Commissioner Lori Chatterly;
Housing Authority – Mayor Pro-Tem Schuster;
ETZ Zoning Commission – Commissioner Chavez;
North Central NM Economic Development District – Commissioner Chatterly;
Library Advisory Board – Commissioner Giacomo;
ETZ Zoning Authority – Mayor Segotta;
Financial Advisory Board – Commissioner Chavez.
Commissioners approved the previous commission meeting minutes and appointed Colette Armijo to the Lodger’s Tax Advisory Board.
In other commission housekeeping they approved the changes to the Bank Signature cards and INCODE signatures for payroll checks. They also approved the changes for the City Liquor License to be in compliance with the State Alcohol and Gaming Commission.
At the request of BNSF Railroad, commissioners agreed to postpone the decision on the deed and lease agreements for the train depot. City Manager Scott Berry noted that he would have the agreements ready for the next regular meeting March 27.
FAA and NM State Aviation have agreed to move forward with Phase II of the rehabilitation of Taxiway A at Crews Field. The task orders will cover some of the regulatory requirements and administrative parts of the project. Phase II is for repaving more of the taxiway.
Commissioners approved FY18 Budget Adjustment #10 which include mostly line item transfers for the recreation center, transfer station and fire department. (Link to FY18 Budget Adjustment #10)
City Manager Scott Berry noted that he and the city staff followed the election closely and heard the many things the commissioners talked about during their campaign. Berry and the city staff have begun the process to implement some of the things talked about like working on crime problems in town and infrastructure improvements and improvements at RPS. (Hear exactly what Berry had to say at the end of the city commission meeting video. (at 40:50 mins into the video)) He noted that they heard loud and clear that water is important to the city with a 94% voter approval of the water measures.
Commissioners next regular meeting is March 27, 2018 at 6:00 p.m. and will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.