By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
According to court records and findings of fact obtained from the arrest warrant granted by Magistrate Judge Warren Walton, staff at Miners Colfax Medical Center (MCMC) and relatives of Floyd Aguilar, age 36, received repeated threats in person and over the phone in the days prior to February 23, 2018.
After the alleged threats, Raton Police attempted to contact Aguilar and inform him that he was banned from MCMC. According to the court documents, the individual who answered the phone became violent and soon hung up. Other attempts to contact the individual went unanswered, and a voice mail was left informing Aguilar that he was no longer allowed on MCMC property.
Threats made on Friday, February 23, 2018 set in motion the lock down per MCMC policy in order to protect the staff and patients at the hospital. Aguilar’s father was a patient at the hospital, and the younger Aguilar had made several visits where he had confrontations with staff and family members. Staff and family feared for their lives as Aguilar’s behavior was described as erratic and violent. Family noted that Aguilar had access to firearms at his father’s home as well as access to his mother’s car for transportation.
After alleged repeated phone calls to a relative and staff at the hospital, a warrant was issued for the arrest of Aguilar. Aguilar told a relative that he was going to shoot and kill her and MCMC staff members, thus prompting the lock down at MCMC. Further investigation by Raton Police found threatening posts on Aguilar’s facebook page.
A warrant was issued for Aguilar and Colfax County Sheriff’s deputies arrived in Springer to find that he had left with a family member going to Santa Fe to catch the Railrunner back to Albuquerque. According to Undersheriff Leonard Baca, Jr., authorities in Albuquerque were notified and later Friday evening, Feb. 23rd Aguilar was arrested.
According to the criminal complaint, Aguilar was originally charged with three counts of Assault with intent to commit a violent felony upon a health care worker, a second degree felony. One count of Assault with intent to commit a violent felony (with intent to kill) a third degree felony. Five counts of use of a telephone to terrify, intimidate, threaten, harass, annoy or offend, which is a misdemeanor.
After a preliminary hearing on March 19th in Magistrate Judge Warren Walton’s court, Walton dismissed one of the three counts of Assault with intent to commit a violent felony upon a health care worker, but kept the other charges in place and found probable cause to bind Aguilar over for trial in the Eighth Judicial Court.