Barbara, the third child of Robert Loofbourrow and Lula Sims, was born in Beaver Oklahoma during the Great Depression. She lost her father at an early age and was adopted by Dr. Edwin McGrew. Growing up she enjoyed swimming, riding her pony, and exploring the Beaver River. She graduated from Beaver High School and became a sorority girl at the University of Oklahoma where she loved playing pranks on friends and opponents alike and even on herself – once, on a dare, she put a whole orange in her mouth, then panicked when unable to remove it! Attaining her Bachelor’s degree, she married a young engineer and varsity track runner Phillip Beeler and moved to Chickasha Oklahoma. Their two children, Flip and Joan, were both born with cystic fibrosis and died very young, though after attaining the use of reason. Their child, Sims, an accident blamed on Mazatlán & margaritas, was born in Albuquerque where Phillip was working for the SEC Corporation. SEC later moved them to Midland Texas then to Solano New Mexico, where Phillip managed the dry ice plant. Various issues causing tension, Barbara moved to nearby Roy and began teaching 6th grade. From Roy she returned to the University of Oklahoma, acquired a Master’s degree, and began teaching in Ardmore Oklahoma. Entering into a relationship with Lorence Gonzales, they married and she and Sims joined him and his children Andy, Bill, and Carol in Mills New Mexico. That fall, 1972, Lorence became the new grade school Principle in Springer and Barbara instructed the remedial reading students. The family resided in Springer during the school week and in Mills on weekends, summers, and holidays. Barbara worked full time and cooked three full delicious meals every day – though there were some sketchy experiments like spaghetti in the pancakes. She was a dedicated mom and loved the ranch and worked tirelessly towards its improvement. She liked to read during her free time and enjoyed vacations to Colorado and places new to her. She held family as most important. After retiring from Springer, she and Lorence made the ranch their full time home. In 2000, after a fall down some stairs, she began to exhibit memory issues. Gradually worsening, she in time became a resident of Colfax General Long Term Care in Springer and it is not possible to give adequate thanks for the kindness and care she received there. Finally succumbing to her infirmities, at 4:30 pm on October 1st, she breathed her last. She is survived by Lorence Gonzales, her husband; Andy Gonzales, his wife Bea, and their children AJ and Jacob; Bill Gonzales and his children Joseph and Leticia and her husband Richard Chavez; Sims Beeler; Carol Crutchfield and her husband Randy. A memorial service will take place Saturday October 7th 2017 at 11 A.M. at the First United Methodist Church in Springer with Justin Garrison Officiating inurnment will take place at a later date. Funeral Arrangements for Barbara M. Gonzales are under the direction of the Alderette-Pomeroy Funeral Home.

In Loving Memory of Barbara M. Gonzales
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