**RHS Krivokapich Media Center**
1535 Tiger Circle, Raton, New Mexico
Monday, September 18, 2017
6:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order and Roll Call
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Recognition of Students, Staff and Visitors
a. RHS Students of the Month- Mr. Ware
b. RHS Student Senate Representative- Halle Medina
c. Requests to be recognized (Persons requesting to be recognized must complete
form before meeting begins- 5 minute limit)
IV. Approval of Agenda
V. Approval of Minutes – 8/21/17- Regular Meeting
VI. Informational Items
a. Principal Reports
b. Superintendent Report
c. Board Member Report
VII. Action Items
a. Financial Report
b. Budget Adjustments/ Transfers
c. Approval of Policy Advisory #128- CM Accountability Report (second read)
d. Approval of Policy Advisory #129 –DIE-R Audits/ Financial Monitoring (second read)
e. Approval of Policy Advisory #130- ECAC-Vandalism (second read)
f. Approval of Policy Advisory #131- EEAA- Walkers and Riders (second read)
g. Approval of Policy Advisory #132-E-3300 Free and Reduced-Price Food Services (first read)
h. Approval of Policy Advisory #133-Collection of Money/Food Tickets (first read)
i. Approval of Policy Advisory #134-IKF-Graduation Requirements (second read)
j. Approval of Policy Advisory #135- J-1031 Admission of Homeless Students (first read)
k. Approval of Policy Advisory #136- JGC Assignment of At-Risk Students to
classes and programs (second read)
l. Approval of Policy Advisory #137- JJIB-interscholastic Sports (second read)
m. Approval of Policy Advisory #138- KF-Community Use of School Facilities (second read)
KF-EC- Community Use of School Facilities (second read)
n. Approval of Policy Advisory #139-GBK-R – Staff Grievances (second read)
o. Approval of Policy Advisory #140- JLI- Student Safety (second read)
VIII. Adjournment