A regular meeting of the City Commission of the City of Raton will be held on July 11, 2017 at 6 p.m. The Meeting will be called to order by Mayor Mantz. The following subjects will be considered by the City Commission and may be considered in any order that is most convenient for the City Commission.
I. Meeting Called To Order – Mayor Mantz
II. Roll Call of the Members of the City Commission and determination of quorum.
III. Pledge of Allegiance to the U. S. Flag.
IV. Recognition of Visitors, Citizen of the Month and/or Presentation of Proclamation, Service Award, Congratulations, Condolences, Holiday Schedules and City/Municipal events –
- Next Regular Commission Meeting July 25, 2017 at 6pm.
- Proclamation: Fireworks Display, Raton Fire and Emergency Services.
- Proclamation: 2017 4th of July Events, Raton MainStreet & Balloon Rally Committee.
- Proclamation: Relay for Life.
V. Comments from the General Public
VI. Action items/Public Hearings/Ordinances/Resolutions/City Manager’s Report-The City Commission may discuss and/or take actions on the following agenda items:
A. Approval of the June 27, 2017 Regular Commission Meeting Minutes.
B. Deliberate and Act on Sinner’s Car Club Car Show road closures.
C. North of I-25 Neighborhood Watch Update/Slideshow.
D. Deliberate and Act on Resolution 2017-33: Raton City Emergency Operations Plan.
E. Deliberate and Act on an Agreement between the City of Raton and Raton Firefighters Local 2378.
F. Deliberate and Act on Introduction of Ordinance No. 995- Changes to the City of Raton Animal Ordinance, Section IX, Chapter 90.
G. Deliberate and Act on Task Order No. 32 from Molzen-Corbin & Associates, P.A. for Taxiway A Rehabilitation, Phase I.
H. Deliberate and Act on Task Order No. 33 from Molzen-Corbin & Associates, P.A. for Taxiway D Construction.
I. Deliberate and Act on Resolution 2017-34: NMDOT Aviation Division Application for 2017-2018 Consumables Grant.
J. Public Hearing: City of Raton Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan.
K. City Manager’s Report
VII. Adjournment
I, the undersigned authority do hereby certify that the above notice of meeting of the governing body of the City of Raton, New Mexico is a true and correct copy of the said notice and that a said copy of this notice was then posted on the front window of the City Hall of said City in Raton, New Mexico in a place convenient and readily accessible to the general public at all times, and said notice was posted on Thursday, July 6, 2017 at 5 p.m. and remained so posted continuously at least 72 hours preceding the scheduled time of said meeting. Said notice was posted in six public places (City Hall, Library, Senior Center, County Courthouse, International Bank, Post Office) conveniently placed for the public. Also, KRTN Radio Station and the City of Raton Website will have the agenda posted prior to respective time limits designated for regular and special meetings. Please contact the City Clerk at 445-9551 or if you have any questions or concerns.
Tricia Mascarenas, City Clerk