By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening and covered a variety of topics from funding requests, liquor license application to insurance and budget matters.
Commissioners approved the proposal for the Run for the Wall this year closing off Clayton Road for about 30 minutes on the morning of Saturday May 20 while the riders fuel and stage for a short ceremony before continuing on their way to Washington D.C.
Commissioner listened to requests for funding from Raton Mainstreet (Link to Raton Mainstreet Funding Request) , Raton Arts and Humanities (Link to RAHC Funding Request) and the Raton Museum for their operations for the upcoming year. They postponed a decision on the matter until the May 23 meeting so that commissioners could get a better idea of the lodger’s tax monies that will be left over from this fiscal year. According to City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci there should be over $40,000 left if the commission fully funds the organizations.
The commission will move the city’s health insurance back to the state program this year. The savings will be based on the increases from the current carrier Cigna which is looking at an increase in premiums from 6% to 12%. The state pool will see an increase of about 2% to 5%.
Commissioners approved the transfer of the Pioneer Bar liquor license application to Lowes/Super Save.
After a change in state law an audit firm can now serve for six years instead of three so the recommendation from the audit committee was to keep RPC as the auditor for another year. This will be their fourth year to do the city audit.
There was little discussion on the draft budget as Antonucci noted there is still some work to be done on it before a final draft is ready for the commissioners. A draft budget will be brought to commissioners for their approval at one of the next two meetings.
Commissioners approved the 12th budget adjustment for this year which moves monies around in line items to cover various items such as training and travel and uniforms. They also approved the disposal of some surplus computer equipment from municipal court and a gurney from the fire department. (Link to Budget Adj #12 FY17)
Stoven Construction was the low bid for the renovation work at Fire Station #1 with a bid of $115,000 over David Parker Builders with a bid of $135,000 and Colt Builders at $181,350. The renovation will be done with fire fund monies that the department has received and a grant.
The meeting closed with a short note from City Manager Scott Berry on the Infill meeting and a meeting he attended with the State Engineer and Dam Safety Bureau with water shed and dam owners. He noted that the Lake Maloya Dam has become a priority for the state engineer.
Commissioners will meet again on May 23 in the commission chambers at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting.