By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Congressman Ben Ray Lujan held office hours in Raton Thursday and visited with a small group of Raton residents who voiced concerns over the affordable care act.
Other concerns that were voiced included the Veteran’s Affairs medical issues as well as behavioral health issues. After hearing that the VA Medical Clinic in Raton is only being staffed by a doctor once a week Lujan voiced his concerns as part of the agreement in building the facility would be better staffing. Lujan told the crowd he would be meeting with VA administration on Friday and will bring up these concerns at that time.
Lujan told the crowd there was a lot up in the air about how the affordable care act and medicare/medicaid will shake out in the coming days. He indicated there are several proposals being considered for medicaid which include a voucher system or cutting some areas of coverage as well as the age of eligibility.
Lujan also talked with City Manager Scott Berry, Mayor Mantz and Commissioner Ron Chavez over some of the water projects and funding for those projects that Raton will need help with, of special note is the dam projects at Lake Maloya.

Did any announcement of this meeting go out? I have looked at this website, the Chamber weekly post, and conversations with no success.