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Jan. 3NortheastCimarron River: Stream flow below Eagle Nest on Monday was .20 cfs. We had no reports from anglers this week. Conchas Lake: Fishing was slow for all species. Fishing pressure was very light. Cowles Ponds: We had no reports from anglers this week. Coyote Creek: We had no reports from anglers this week. Eagle Rock Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Eagle Nest Lake: Closed to fishing due to thin ice conditions. For updates, call the State Park office at (575) 377-1594. Gallinas River: We had no reports from anglers this week. Hopewell Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Lake Alice: Closed to fishing due to thin ice conditions. For updates, call the State Park office at (505) 445-5607. Lake Maloya: Closed to fishing due to thin ice conditions. Call the State Park office at (505) 445-5607 for updates. Los Pinos River: We had no reports from anglers this week. Monastery Lake: Anglers are reminded that ice fishing is not permitted on this lake. Pecos River: Trout fishing in the Villanueva area was fair using small bead-head nymphs, salmon eggs and PowerBait. Red River: Stream flow below the hatchery on Monday was 46 cfs. Fishing was good using micro mays, scuds, crane fly nymphs and emergers for brown and rainbow trout. Rio Grande: Stream flow on Monday at the Taos Junction Bridge was 471 cfs. Fishing was slow to fair using worms, wooly buggers and spoons for rainbow trout. Tom Chrobocinski of Ojo Caliente caught two nice rainbows December 29. He was fishing by the John Dunn Bridge and using a weighted white Joe’s fly. We had no other reports. Rio Hondo: We had no reports from anglers this week. Rio Pueblo: We had no reports from anglers this week. Santa Barbara River: We had no reports from anglers this week. Santa Cruz Reservoir: We had no reports from anglers this week. No ice fishing is allowed on this lake. Shuree Ponds: We had no reports from anglers this week. Springer Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Ice fishing is not permitted. Storrie Lake: There is a thin layer of ice on the lake and it is closed to fishing. For updates, call the State Park office at (505) 425-7278. Ute Lake: Fishing was slow for all species. Fishing pressure was very light. Winsor Creek: We had no reports from anglers this week. NorthwestAbiquiu Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Animas River: Water flow near Aztec on Monday morning was 319 cfs. Fishing was fair to good using San Juan worms, small jigs, PowerBait and salmon eggs for trout. Albuquerque Area Drains: Trout fishing was good using San Juan worms, zebra midges, salmon eggs, PowerBait, worms under a bobber and wax worms. We had good reports from the Albuquerque, Belen, Bernalillo, Corrales and Peralta Drains. Bluewater Lake: Closed to ice fishing but there was some open water for bank fishing over the weekend. We had no reports from anglers. For updates, contact the State Park office at (505) 876-2391. Brazos River: We had no reports from anglers this week. Canjilon Lakes: Closed by the U.S. Forest Service until further notice due to danger from falling trees. Chama River: Monday morning water flows below El Vado and Abiquiu were 93 cfs and 102 cfs respectively. Fishing below El Vado was fair using Z Rays, San Juan worms and wooly buggers for a mix of brown and rainbow trout. Fishing below Abiquiu was fair using streamers, San Juan worms and bead-head pheasant tail nymphs for trout. Carl Stanley of Albuquerque caught a nice brown here December 26. He was using a Barr’s Bouface streamer. Cochiti Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. El Vado Lake: Fishing pressure was extremely light and we had no reports this past week. Fenton Lake: Closed to fishing and all other activities due to thin ice conditions. For updates, call the State Park office at (575) 829-3630. Heron Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Due to low water conditions, only small craft such as canoes and small john boats can be launched. Jackson Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Jemez Waters: Stream flow on the Jemez River near Jemez Springs on Monday morning was 28 cfs. Fishing on the Jemez was fair to good using small bead-head nymphs, wax worms and salmon eggs for trout. We had no reports from other streams in the area. Lake Farmington: We had no reports from anglers this week. Nonmotorized watercraft are now allowed on Lake Farmington. Fees are $50 for the season or $5 daily. Manzano Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Navajo Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. San Gregorio Lake: We had no reports from anglers. San Juan River: Stream flow from Navajo Reservoir on Monday was 348 cfs and visibility was from 1 to 1.5 feet. Fishing through the Quality waters was good using San Juan worms, red larva, bunny leeches, princess nymphs and Desert Storms. Fishing through the bait waters was good using worms, PowerBait, garlic cheese, salmon eggs, wooly buggers and red larva. Tingley Beach: Fishing at the Central and Youth ponds was very good using wax worms, PowerBait, San Juan worms and spoons for trout. Marisa Chavez of Albuquerque caught her limit of trout December 30. The fish ranged in size from 10 to 14 inches. She was using chartreuse PowerBait. Fishing at the Bob Gerding Catch and Release Pond was good using small midge patterns, bunny leeches and red San Juan worms. Trout Lakes: We had no reports from anglers this week. SouthwestAlumni Pond: Fishing was good using PowerBait, Velveeta cheese and salmon eggs for trout. Bear Canyon Lake: Fishing was good using PowerBait, salmon eggs and marshmallows for trout. Bill Evans Lake: Fishing was fair to good using PowerBait, garlic cheese, meal worms and salmon eggs for trout. We had no other reports. Caballo Lake: Fishing was slow for all species. Fishing pressure was very light. Elephant Butte Lake: Fishing was fair using tubes, grubs and jigs for a mixed bag of walleye, white bass and largemouth bass. The fish were caught at depths ranging from 12 to 40 feet. We had no other reports. Escondida Lake: Fishing was fair to good using PowerBait and garlic cheese for trout. We had no other reports. Gila River: Stream flow on Monday morning was 436 cfs. We had no reports from anglers this week. Glenwood Pond: Fishing was good using PowerBait for trout. Lake Roberts: We had no reports from anglers this week. Percha Dam: We had no reports from anglers this week. Quemado Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Rio Grande: Stream flow below Elephant Butte Monday morning was 0.46 cfs. Fishing was good using PowerBait, worms and salmon eggs for trout. A few small catfish were caught by anglers using worms and liver in the deeper holes. We had no other reports. Snow Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Young Pond: Fishing was very good using PowerBait, salmon eggs and salmon egg corn combinations for trout. We had no other reports. SoutheastAlto Lake: Fishing was fair using orange and red PowerBait and salmon eggs for trout. We had no other reports. Bataan Lake: Fishing was good using PowerBait for trout. We had no other reports. Black River: Stream flow at Malaga on Monday was 13 cfs. We had no reports from anglers this week. Blue Hole Park Pond: Fishing was fair to good using PowerBait and salmon eggs for trout. We had no other reports. Bonito Lake: Closed until further notice by the city of Alamogordo due to fire damage. Bosque Redondo Lake: Fishing was fair to good using PowerBait and salmon egg corn combinations for trout. We had no other reports. Bottomless Lakes: Fishing was fair to good using salmon eggs and PowerBait for trout. Brantley Lake: Anglers are required to catch and release all fish here as high levels of pesticides have been found in some fish. We had no reports from anglers this week. Carlsbad Municipal Lake: Fishing was very good using orange, rainbow and red PowerBait and salmon eggs for trout. We had no other reports. Chaparral Park Lake: Fishing was good using wax worms, salmon eggs and PowerBait for trout. We had no other reports. El Rito Creek: We had no reports from anglers this week. Eunice Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Green Meadow Lake: Fishing was good using PowerBait and homemade dough bait for trout. We had no other reports. Greene Acres Lake: Fishing was very good using rainbow, red and pink PowerBait for trout. Grindstone Reservoir: We had no reports from anglers this week. Lake Van: Fishing was fair using PowerBait, homemade dough bait, salmon eggs and spoons for trout. We had no other reports. Oasis Park Lake: Fishing was good using PowerBait and homemade dough bait for trout. Pecos River: Stream flow below Sumner Lake on Monday was 22 cfs. Trout fishing was good using wax worms, PowerBait, garlic cheese and salmon eggs. We had no other reports. Perch Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week. Ruidoso River: Stream flow at Hollywood on Monday was 6.1cfs. Trout fishing was fair using salmon eggs for trout. Santa Rosa Lake: The shoreline was free of ice and open to bank fishing. We had no reports from anglers. Sumner Lake: We had no reports from anglers this week.Click to edit this placeholder text. |

New Mexico fishing and stocking reports for Jan. 3
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