By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
– Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening, December 13th in regular session and approved an RPS budget adjustment, task order changes for Raton Crews Field Airport and Capital outlay requests for the NM Legislative session in January.
The budget adjustment for RPS requests an increase in the gross income fund due to an increase in projected revenues and a decrease in salary expense. The salary decrease is due to the termination of a lead lineman position earlier than expected. This request moves the monies from the gross income fund to the capital projects fund.
Commissioners then approved three task orders from Molzen Corbin for engineering work at the Raton Crews Field Airport. The projects include rehabilitation of Taxiway A and airplane parking area rehab at the terminal. Also in the works, is a request to build a taxiway from the Doss Aviation Building at the old armory to the main taxiway at the airport. Commissioners approved those task orders.
Commissioners also approved the legislative capital outlay requests for the upcoming legislative session. The requests ask for $500,000 for street improvements, $200,000 for RPD vehicle replacement, $200,000 for maintenance equipment replacement and $250,000 for drainage improvements. Commissioner Segotta made the motion to approve requests noting if the state has any money left. (Link to capital-outlay-requests001)
Commissioners then approved the codification of ordinances 987-992. Those ordinances will be submitted to American Legal Publishing Corporation to be placed online and copies made for the local book.
City Manager Scott Berry noted they have given a fourth presentation on the MainStreet efforts for the Great Blocks program on First Street to the state city manager’s conference.
He noted city crews are continuing street repairs as weather permits and cleaning up alleys, and Berry asked residents to bring couches, appliances and mattresses to the transfer station the city will take them for free. This is much less costly than having city crews pick them up.
Before Commissioners moved into the regular items they heard from Thomas Hay concerning the traffic hazards in the 100 block of Rio Grande between the Phil Long Ford buildings. Hay was concerned about the lack of visibility at the intersection with South Second Street.
Commissioners will meet again on January 10 for the next regular meeting at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers and the meeting will be broadcast on KRTN AM 1490.