JV Girls
Clayton 5 17 17 12 51
Raton 5 4 1 9 19
JV Boys
Clayton 22 5 33 11 71
Raton 6 8 4 21 39
Varsity Girls
Clayton 14 18 19 11 52
Raton 6 5 14 14 39
Clayton High Point
Keegan Geary 11
Free Throws 5 of 9 attempts
Raton High Point
Estrella Vargas 16 8 of 13 free throws
Free throws 12 of 25 attempts
Varsity Boys
Clayton 17 19 8 17 60
Raton 7 14 9 14 44
Clayton High Point
Jacob Naranjo 25 1 of 1 free throws
Brendon Thrasher 15 0 for 1 free throws
Free throws 6 of 8 attempts
Raton High Point
Jonathan Cabriales 18 9 of 14 free throws
Austin Jones 18 2 of 5 free throws
Free throws 11 of 19 attempts
Dyanne Montoya (15) gets a hand on the ball as Mariah Saenz moves toward the lane for a shot during the JV game Monday afternoon.
Barbara Cruz gets a hand on Estrella Vargas as she heads toward the lane for a shot Monday evening.
Camryn Mileta puts the ball up as Makayla Baker gets a hand on the ball.
Raton’s Sydni Silva (30) and Kameryn Valdez (15) scramble for the loose ball.
Clayton’s Kobe Montoya smacks Jonathan Cabriales after batting the ball to a teammate on the jump ball.
Raton’s Austin Jones puts the ball up as Kobe Montoya goes for the block.
Austin Jones goes up for the short jumper as Tyler Drumm jumps for the block.
Clayton’s Jacob Naranjo brings the rebound down as Richie Acevedo reaches for the ball.
Richie Acevedo works through two Clayton players Francisco Ortiz (23) and Caleb Gonzales as he heads for the basket Monday evening in Tiger Gym