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Raton City Commission Gets Good GRT News


The Raton City Commission met in regular session on Tuesday, August 23 minus Mayor Sandy Mantz and Mayor Pro-Tem Neil Segotta, but the three remaining commissioners were present and so with a quorum, the meeting was called to order by Commissioner Linde Schuster.

The financial report from City Treasurer Michael Anne Antonucci had some good news for the City’s Gross Receipts Tax (GRT) collection with the August distribution (which is a reflection of June sales) showing the city with a 6.6% increase year-to-date per budget. It was a good resolution of a possible very bad situation as the NM Tax/Rev. was able to rebound from a system computer crash and get the check out only about 4 days later than expected.  The increase was attributed to the construction projects and the summer influx of visitors.  Antonucci noted however, that the GRT distributions will need to remain strong thru November in order to meet budget projections.

The City’s Infrastructure Capital Improvements Plan (ICIP) for 2018 thru 2022 was adopted and the top five priorities listed were: 1. Street Improvement/Reconstruction; 2. Raton Water Works/Lake Maloya Dam Safety Improvements, which Solid Waste Manager, Jason Phillips noted was a $50 million dollar project; 3. Raton Police Dept. Patrol Car Replacement; 4. City Public Works, equipment purchases; 5. Raton MainStreet’s Great Blocks First Street improvement plan.

The City’s Dispatch Center contract with Colfax County is up for renewal, and because the contract’s $37,000 annual fee has not been increased since 2004 and expenses had increased by over 36%, City Manager Scott Berry recommended an increase to just over $49,000 per year, which was approved by the Commission.

A scrap tire recycling grant from the NM Environment Dept. (NMED) was also approved as NMED will grant the city $18,000 with the City’s match at $3,750.  Berry noted the tire bailer the City has is outdated and poses a safety risk for employees.  Berry also stated the current charge of $1 per tire at the Transfer Station will probably have to be increased  to $3 or $4 to be in-line with the real cost of disposal.

The Crews Field Airport is fully enclosed with a game fence, except for all but the main entrance. There are obvious safety concerns, so three bids were received and the Commission awarded the low bid of $11,680 to Valley Fence Company to install a Main Gate.

The Commission postponed action on the renewal of the advertising billboards with Lamar, citing more information is needed.

City Manager Berry’s report included a report on the Multi-Modal Center on First Street is progressing and should the weather hold, the paving should be completed in the next couple of weeks. The Federal Highway Administration and the NM DOT recently inspected the project and found it in good order.

Berry said RPS has ordered the 4.3 Megawatt generator from Ginbacher in Austria with delivery expected in the near future and plans to have it online after the first of the year.

Fire Chief Jim Matthews has been sent to help victims of the flooding in Louisiana and RFD’s Ivan Rudyk has completed his studies and is now a licensed Para Medic.

The next scheduled meeting of the Raton City Commission will be on Tuesday, September 13 at 6:00 pm and will be broadcast on KRTN AM1490.


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