By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
48 chairs stood silent on the floor of Tiger Gym early in the day, by 7:00 p.m. those seats were filled with excited seniors as the Class of 2016 prepared to walk across the stage for the last time and receive their diplomas signifying the end of a long chapter in their young lives and the beginning of the rest of their life.
Darien Bird lead the ceremony with the Pledge of Allegiance and the Star Spangled Banner followed by a short welcome address by Alyssa Aragon. Forrest McConnell received the Salutatorian honors while Kyler Daniel followed with the Valedictorian honor and his speech to fellow classmates about the future.
Students were awarded their scholarships by class sponsors David Cox and Cindy Berry. 50 Seniors then walked across the stage receiving their congratulations from school board members and staff after receiving their diplomas. This year each of the five board members presented students with their diploma.
Principal Christie Medina then introduced Dr. Paul Modrich to give the keynote speech. He reminded the seniors that while they come from a small town they shouldn’t let that deter them. That they should take the risk and not take the path of least effort. His dream was to be a scientist. He told seniors that while he had been rejected by Cal Tech but had been accepted at MIT. He told the seniors that after being accepted to MIT he was at a friend’s house and his mother had told him that he would make it at MIT. She told him about a long man from Cimarron who had gone their and flunked out.
He went to MIT in the fall and said he quickly found himself over his head, he admits he had a good education at Raton High but many of his classmates came from the big city and prep schools. While the doubts of making it crept through his mind he talked to his parents and his dad told him the son there is no disgrace in failure as long as you have done your best. While he questions if he was doing his best there was the matter of letting that woman in Raton be right. He added that he began to work harder and struggled through the first semester. Then things began to get easier and he caught up with the rest of his classmates.
He went on to say that if you set your goals high you will probably make your life difficult but if you really want to achieve them do not give up. He went on to say the second thing is there will be people out there who will try to diminish you and revert you from your goals. Do not let them win and tell you can not accomplish something because you are from Raton.
Juan Preto-Archuleta presented the National Honor Society members while Jami Lopez presented students who wore colored cords and/or pins. Ashy Gentler honored Raton schools teachers and staff for their hard work and diligence getting the student through their school years. Nayelli Acosta then honored the parents of the students of the Class of 2016. Alee Bird presented the school key to Junior class president Montana Trujillo wishing them well and to make memories, live in the moment, laugh a lot and never take anything or anyone for granted.
Diplomas were presented followed by Dawn Rae Arguello with the Tassle turn and the class song “Don’t Blink” by Kenney Chesney where the silly string and confetti flew around the gym floor. Forrest McConnel then told classmates congratulations we have been waiting for they for a long time.
After the farewell address the seniors stood and left their seats soon to be joined on the gym floor by parents, relatives and friends where tons of pictures were taken and the final memories of their high school years placed in the book of life.

Nice photos of the graduation congratulations to all RHS grads. Sad to see only 50 seniors in class of 1960 we had 117.