By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners continued their discussion on the budget Tuesday evening, May 10th after breezing through a few other items of business.
Commissioners approved the renewal of the contract with the Raton Country Club to manage the city liquor license. They also approved RPC CPAs & Consultants LLC to do the city audit for the third year of a multi-year contract. The city will have to go out for RFP next year but RPC will be able to bid again for another three-year contract.
Commissioners tabled the bid on the airport fuel tank replacement as City Manager Scott Berry noted they needed to talk to the State Aviation Division. There were two bids received and those will be presented to commissioners at the next meeting.
Commissioners approved budget adjustment #11 which simply moves money around within line items of the general fund. (Link to Budget Adjustment 11)
Commissioners informed Berry and City Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci that they wanted to keep the clothing allowance left alone as they see a need to keep a professional looking team. Berry noted that while recycling revenues are down because of over supply or other factors recycling volumes are going up. Commissioners want Berry to work on a plastic bag ordinance that could create a charge for using the bags and or working toward a complete ban on plastic bags.
Berry has also instituted a hiring freeze to a limit. He is not planning to replace anyone who retires but if temporary help is needed for a project he will look at that on a case by case situation.
Health insurance is still in limbo and the city will be working on a way to accept credit cards in the future. Anotnucci noted there are several times a week when someone asks about putting a rental fee or something on a card.
During Berry’s report to commissioners he noted that construction projects on the multi-modal center are progressing with the contractor hoping to be done by the end of June. He will have a final report on the dam inspection at Lake Maloya and Lake Alice in the future. Berry noted that the report should show things in good shape.
On the note of solid waste, he is once again is encouraging residents to find out when their trash is picked up and to put trash out on that day to help control the bear problems especially since the city department is short staffed. The bear dumpsters are being manufactured but will trickle in over the summer. He is hopeful that they will be able to get bids in and begin moving dirt in July for the landfill.
Commissioner Chavez noted that next week will be a big week in Raton as several dignitaries and media will be in town for the proclamation presentation to Dr. Paul Modrich which will be at the Shuler on Thursday May 19 at 6:00 p.m. with a reception to follow at the Sweet Shop.
Commissioners will meet again on May 23 at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting will be broadcast on 1490 – KRTN AM.