By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners requested an inspection on the Train Depot before signing off on an agreement with BNSF Railroad that would convey the depot to the city of Raton.
Commissioners Ron Chavez and Lindé Schuster both agreed having the depot would be a good thing for Raton. Chavez however noted that the city needs to do its due diligence and request an inspection on the building for things like asbestos. Other questions that need answered include insurance costs and what would happen should BNSF decided they wanted the building back. City Manager Scott Berry noted there is a provision for that situation. Other concerns include a legal review of the contract. (Links to BNSF Conveyance Contract BNSF Premises Lease Agreement )
Amtrak has also indicated they wanted to do improvements to the building for their purposes and BNSF will lease the south portion of the building that they already occupy. Commissioners then tabled their decision until some of these questions get answered.
In other business commissioners approved the street closure for the Cinco De Mayo celebration the first of May and Run for the Wall event near the middle of May. Commissioners also approved a fire ban inside the city to coincide with the county fire ban in this part of Colfax County.
Commissioners then approved the purchase agreement with Colorado Corrections Industry for the bear proof dumpsters to coincide with the Game and Fish agreement. Commissioners also approved the MOU with Raton Little League for use of the fields this summer.
The first draft of the city budget will be presented to commissioner at the April 26 meeting. Berry noted that the small cities assistance distribution fell short of budget this year so the city will budget accordingly for next year. Health Insurance premiums will also be a concern as the budget comes together. Berry noted that they would try to meet with providers to get a firm grip on the year’s changes. It will be a tight budget again this year as Berry noted that he expects the GRT to be close to this year’s numbers.
In Berry’s report he noted that the Senior Center work has been completed and everyone down there is very pleased with the work. The Water Department is requesting bids for work on the Cimarron station and that the bid for the Hospital Drive lift station came in over estimates.
Work on the Wärtsilä Generator will begin soon as RPS accepted the demolition bid. Berry noted that the asset inventory will begin this month as will a Lodger’s Tax audit.
Berry told commissioners they are as well as everyone else is invited to an economic development meeting on April 21. Berry also thanked all those who helped with the stranded motorist that occupied the Convention Center on March 26. It is estimated that a little over 350 people were housed at the Convention Center due to snow covered and closed roads. The Red Cross had a limited number of cots and Colfax County Emergency Management brought in cots from Miami.
Commissioners will meet again on April 26 for their next regular meeting.

Not pictured are dispatchers: Apryll Lopez, Amy Pilsner, Stevi Salazar and Christine Blocker (Link to Proclamation National TeleCommunicators Week)

(Link to Proclamation Fair Housing Month)