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Raton Middle FCCLA Chpater attended the State FCCLA Leadership Conference, FCCLA An Open Door March 3rd-5th at the Pyramid Marriott in Albuquerque. Raton Middle FCCLA Chapter which consists of 6th graders from Russell Marcy Academy and 7th and 8th graders from Raton High School, was awarded the first NMAA State FCCLA Championship Banner. A big Thank-you to the 45 chapter members. The criteria to select a high school or middle level FCCLA Chapter included: membership, community service projects, completing the Chapter Incentive Program which includes all activities the chapter has participated, attending Adviser Leadership Academy, Career Technical Student Organization Fall Conference; Regional Meeting; and State Leadership Conference. The number of State Officers and State Officer Candidates, and participation at the local, state and National level. The chapter that received the most points was selected as the Championship Chapter.
Raton Middle was also recognized for having the most spirited chapter and received the Spirit Stick, received a certificate for participation in the Community Service Project and Membership Increase.
Stacie Patterson, Jr. VP of Programs and KayLee Maes Jr. VP of Finance, did an awesome job in planning and participating in skits at the conference. Stacie and KayLee also presented workshops at the conference.
Students from Russell Mary Academy competed in STAR Events, Students taking Action with Recognition:
Bronze medals: Ivy Brown Knife skills;
Silver medals: Rachel Liang and Isabella Roberson in Life Event Planning; Alexis Sanchez in Innovative Interiors; Recycle and Resign Shelby Silva; Zebadiah Medina in Career Investigation; Entrepreneurship Taylor Sandoval; Riley Hopper and Abigail Phillips.
Gold medals; Zebadiah Medina Chapter Creed and Haley Flores and Kira Medina Intermediate Child Care.
Students from Raton High in the Raton Middle FCCLA Chapter competed in STAR Events:
Bronze medals: Parliamentary Procedure Team Sarah Ware, April Vigil. Cynthia Kaplan, Emma Gum and Tori Ann Platero; Food Innovations Ariona Marquez and Taylor Sandoval; Life Event Planning: Aliana Garcia and Tiyonie Rodriguez.
Silver Medals: Career Investigation: Rhianna Hopper; Pastry arts Tori Ann Platero.
Gold Medals: Chapter Service Project Display- Anna Acosta and Jennifer Acosta; Chapter Service Project Manual Madisyn Mileta, Alexia Marquez and Hannah Sisneros.
Aaron Mendez 7th grader was a Junior State Officer Candidate, elected to serve as Junior State Officers for the 2016-2017 school year are Jennifer Acosta, Ginger Baird and Adrienne Lopez. They will receive their officer training at the National Leadership Conference in San Diego. California.
The following students will represent New Mexico in the STAR Event Competition at the 2016 National Leadership Conference in San Diego California: Zebadiah Medina, Taylor Aragon, Riley Hopper, Abigail Phillips, Anna Acosta, Jennifer Acosta,Madisyn Mileta, Alexia Marquez, and Hannah Sisneros.
Chaperones for the chapter were Elaine Marquez, Michelle Hopper Russell Mary Academy and Beverly Grano, Raton High School and Linda Ortiz, Chapter Advisor.

Photo provided by Linda Ortiz

front row: Adrienne Lopez, Raton Middle FCCLA; Sydney Goldston Tucumcari High School, Jennifer Acosta, Raton Middle Fccla Chapter; Sarah Koss, Clovis High;
Back row: Christopher Arellano, Tucumcarri High; Ginger Baird, Raton Middle FCCLA Chpater; Leonard Melendez, Roswell Goddard; Alejandro Olvera Roswell High; Faith Lee Kirtland Central. Photo provided by Linda Ortiz