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Raton City Commission Hears about GRT Decline

By Marty Mayfield

KRTN Multi-Media


Raton city commissioners met Tuesday evening and heard from City Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci that there was a big decline in the gross receipts tax this last year that came as a big surprise.

After looking over past figures Antonucci deduced that there was possibly an error in the way the food and medical distributions were made. Antonucci has contacted Tax and Revenue Department asking them to look into the decline for December. The decline was over 2.4% from what was budgeted versus what was actually collected for December. That amounted to $33,517.18. The city had seen an increase over the last few months mostly due to construction projects within the city limits.

Antonucci went on to say that she was unaware of any new legislation that would have made a difference and that any of those changes would have been seen in the July figures or this Janauary’s figures. Otherwise the city is maintaining their budget as all departments spending has been within limits. (Link to Resolution 2016-2 November 2015 Financial Report)

Commissioners approved the public meeting policy which includes the open meetings act as well as adopting the 2015 edition of the International Fire Code. Chief Matthews noted that there were some minor changes to the code and that by adopting it the fire department would see some benefit come time for the new ISO rating review.

Commissioners approved a resolution that will be presented to the State Armory Board later this month agreeing to accept the donation of the National Guard Armory Building that currently sits on city property near the airport.  (Link to the Resolution 2016-4 National Guard Building)

Commissioners tabled the LEDA Security agreement until the next regular meeting as the document wasn’t fully ready. Wade Jackson, General Counsel for the New Mexico Economic Development Department, was on hand and he explained to commissioners that the security part of the agreement was different since the Shuler is a city owned building. City Manager Scott Berry noted that the digital film equipment will be part of the security for the loan. The agreement will be completed and ready for commissioner’s approval at the January 26 meeting.

Commissioner approved an agreement to extend the time to spend proceeds for a solid waste loan with the New Mexico Finance Authority. Much of the money will go to purchase new bear proof dumpsters along with a match from the New Mexico Game and Fish Department. Berry noted that some 700 dumpsters will be ordered. There was also some concern about the weight and size of the dumpsters making it more difficult for seniors to use. Smaller dumpsters will be a part of that order hopefully making it easier for senior citizens to deal with.

City Manager Scott Berry told commissioners that their capital outlay requests had been submitted to the New Mexico Legislature for the upcoming 30-day session. However, in a conversation with Senator Campos this week Berry noted that with the price of oil being so low that monies for capital outlay could dry up.

Berry attended a paving conference in Albuquerque where the gas tax was a topic of conversation or the lack of. It has been noted that the gas tax will likely need to change especially with the increase in electric and hybrid vehicles not buying gas but still using the road. There is also a big push to recycle paving to repave roads with instead of using all new material or use chip seal technology to extend the life of existing pavement.

Work has begun on the Senior Center roof while construction on the Multi-Modal center has taken a weather break. City crews are using millings to work on the south part of Roundhouse road from the aquatic center to Grant Street.

Berry also noted that there is a casting call for the show Longmire in Las Vegas at Luna Community College on January 16 from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

With that the meeting was adjourned and the city commission will meet again on January 26 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission room.

City Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci explains about the GRT Decline seen in December 2015.
City Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci explains about the GRT Decline seen in December 2015.
Wade Jackson, General Counsel for the New Mexico Economic Development Department, was on hand Tuesday to explain how the security part of the LEDA grant will work for the digital film equipment at the Shuler Theater.
Wade Jackson, General Counsel for the New Mexico Economic Development Department, was on hand Tuesday to explain how the security part of the LEDA grant will work for the digital film equipment at the Shuler Theater.





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