By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening in a special meeting to road construction projects.
Commissioners approved Engineering Analytics to handle the construction management for the Multi-Modal Center Project, which should see construction work beginning next week.
Commissioners heard from David Little about the bids on the senior center roof. David Parker Construction was the low bid at $96.000. They have a total of $140,000 for the job. Since they have a little money left over there are some small projects inside the center that will be completed.
WM Serazio Construction was the only bidder for the South First Pavement rehabilitation project at a bid of $245,000 total money for the project is $281,000 so the city will also include the intersection of Rio Grande and First Street.
WM Serazio Construction was also the only bidder for the Galesteo Avenue and Pecos Avenue resurfacing project. His bid was for $93,000 and will cover the first block of Galesteo and the first two blocks of Pecos. Again the bid was under the amount budgeted so the city will try to replace about 300 feet of curb and gutter that is crumbling away.
After a 16 minute meeting commissioners adjourned and will meet again on October 13, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. for their next regular meeting.