by Sherry Goodyear
![WJ 250x55](
The toughest choice concert-goers had to make was whether to catch the simultaneously running 1-4 PM shows on either the Veranda or in the Assembly Hall on both Friday and Saturday afternoons. The musical and poetic guests performed in fifteen minute intervals, showcasing novice and seasoned performers alike. Emcees for the six shows included Jay Jackson, Susie Knight, Dale Page, Mike Moutoux, Floyd Beard, and Terry Nash. In addition, several seasoned pros such as Jim Jones, Randy Huston and Washtub Jerry supported the performers by providing accompaniment.
In a day and time where the arts are constantly being taken out of our schools, fostering a ridiculous notion that musical and poetic talent is a luxury rather than a necessity, it is wonderful to experience a cowboy poetry and music festival that supports artists who have been doing this type of thing for a while as well as providing a supportive environment for those newcomers wishing to try their hand at such a specialty craft.
Dennis Russell Nazelrod, founder of the gathering and co-producer with Dale Page can feel proud about what this special event is bringing to the area. Here’s hoping this is the second of many more Cimarron Cowboy Music and Poetry Gatherings to come.