by Joy GipsonTRINIDAD — The historic art exhibit, “Remembering the Ludlow Massacre,” paintings by Lindsay Hand, opens on Friday, June 26 from 5 to 8 pm at Galerie Vivante and Oasis Studio, 216 E. Main Street in Trinidad, 719-334-0087. A meet-the- artist event with guest speaker will be on June 27 from 10 am to noon.
Colorado Springs artist Hand took art classes at Doherty High School in Colorado Springs and, in 2001, was accepted into the Business of Art Center’s Wunderkind program for teens in Manitou Springs, run by Rodney Wood. It was through this program Hand realized her passion for art.
Commissioned to create an art piece representing the Ludlow Massacre, Hand did research to prepare for her painting. She became fascinated with the event and felt it was “a story that required further expression.” Studying historic photos of Ludlow and the circumstances surrounding the massacre inspired her vision and compelled her to “relate the story as an observer through my art.”
Hand’s monochromatic sepia tone color palate gives her paintings the somber feel of a mining camp. Her intense, life-size series of 11 oil paintings, one for each of the women and children killed in the infamous pit, capture viewers’ attention and leave them wanting to know more about this moment in our history.
Hand spent approximately one and a half years completing the series of painting which range from an impressive 11’ by 6 ‘ to an 8’6” by 5’6” inch canvas. The mixed media painting that started it all will also be in the exhibit.
Obvious passion and thought went into the execution of this body of work and it jumps off the canvas leaving you with the feeling that you are in the presence of something significant. It is a moving display not only of our local history, but of our national history.
Undisputedly, Hand was able to accomplish what she set out to do. Her art says, “Look at me and see there’s a story to be told. Remember what happened here; it’s part of your history.”
Hand’s work is permanently displayed at Lindsay Hand Studio, 29 E. Bijou Street, Suite #9, in Colorado Springs. Call 719-352-8788 or contact her at or view her artwork at Thanks to the Trinidad History Museum and the Southwestern Colorado Mining Museum who sponsored this event. The show at Galerie Vivante and Oasis Studio in Trinidad runs until the end of July with a closing reception and music on Friday, July 31.

Remembering the Ludlow Massacre
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