by Joe TarabinoTRINIDAD — The new manager of the Colorado Welcome Center, Barbara Howard, brings a diverse background and exciting perspective to a complex position. It requires careful juggling of city and regional interests with the requirements of the state, which funds the position with grant monies and defines the priorities of the facility.
She was welcomed to her new position at a reception hosted by current and past volunteers at the center on Monday. Howard began work this past week, replacing former manager Tara Marshall who has moved to a supervisory position at the City of Trinidad.
Hailing from the ‘deep south’ of Galveston, Texas, Howard has developed an impressive work history. Her employment history includes time as a GS-4 Secretary to the U S Army Corps of Engineers and time as an executive assistant at Union Carbide. She was also employed by the University of Texas Medical Branch, Occupational Therapy department, supporting the director. She is the current president of the Trinidad/Las Animas County Economic Development Board.
She also has worked as an assistant manager of an apartment complex in Galveston where she gained insight into payroll, maintenance, contracts and budget practices. While there, she was responsibile for the complex during Hurricane Alicia and the subsequent clean-up that followed.
It was at this time that she met her husband to be. Howard is the mother of five children ranging in age from 15 to 31, and wife of Trinidad Fire Chief Tim Howard. The family moved to Trinidad by way of Raton in 1995 where Tim worked with Raton Fire Department for almost three years.
Howard’s educational background includes a Doctorate In Management with emphasis on emerging media from Colorado Technical University in Colorado Springs, a Masters degree in Management and Project Management, and a Bachelors in Business Administration, with emphasis in informational systems.
Her experience in business as well as experience gained while living 17 years in a rural community, sparked her dissertation topic, “Managerial awareness to technology in rural communities.” This research should give Howard the knowledge to create an online presence for the center and the insight to cooperate with the local community to the benefit of both.