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The La Veta trail system is off to a good start

CDOT Director is supportive
by Bob Kennemer
WJ  250x55LA VETA — In a recent meeting held at the La Veta Community Center, Colorado Department of Transportation Regional Director Bill Thiebaut consistently expressed strong support for the La Veta Trails project.  And so, just what is this “Trails Project”?
Over the past several months, recently appointed La Veta Town Board member Marilyn Russell has spearheaded an effort to review, rebuild, improve, expand, and possibly connect trails in the La Veta area.  Russell notes there is a need for bike/pedestrian trails in the area, especially trails that can accommodate older people and families.  Of course, the ultimate goal is a countywide trail system.  But that is down the road or would that be down the trail?
For now, Russell’s focus is on La Veta.  Using a variety of handouts, maps, and documents, Russell led a group of 13 local citizens, town board members, and Thiebaut on a virtual trek of what is and what could be the La Veta Trail System.  Combining efforts of the La Veta Town Board, the La Veta Public Library, and the recently created La Veta Trails, Inc., Russell described the existing trails and shared a vision of how area trails could be expanded and perhaps connected using old roads, highways, alleys and more.
As Area Director for CDOT, Thiebaut serves ten counties in southeastern Colorado.  He has served as a state representative and Pueblo District Attorney and is widely known as a straight shooter.  He does not make promises he cannot keep and he does not provide false hopes.  But when he offers support, you can be sure he will back it up.  With that in mind Thiebaut cautioned, “The easel is blank.  Dream, but dream in priorities.”  
Thiebaut went on to suggest the project needs a color map with priority projects highlighted, #1  in red and #2 in green.  Again Thiebaut stated enthusiasm for the project saying, “I want to see you get a pot of money.  You are progressive.  I think it is ‘the turn’ for rural communities to get their share.”
Mayor Doug Brgoch was on hand and voiced support for the project.  He asked what might be  the next steps.  Thiebaut stressed safety signs are, “almost a done deal” as they relate to trails, roads and highways where they intersect.  Thiebaut added Governor Hickenlooper is an avid cyclist and the group should try to get him here.
One upcoming project is to restore the nature trail just east of the La Veta school campus.  
A clean-up day is scheduled for July 18, and a possible summer school project might improve trails and signage.  Future plans are to connect this trail to an additional trail that will run throughout the town.  Stay tuned – oh and Happy Trails…..
On May 13, Regional Colorado Department of Transportation Area Director Bill Thiebaut met with La Veta Town Board members and representatives from La  Veta Trails, Inc. to discuss possible CDOT funding for bike and hiking trails in and around La Veta.  Thiebaut was impressed by the presentation stating, “I like what I see and hear from you.  We need to improve how our highways connect to pedestrian and bike paths.”  Photo by Bob Kennemer
On May 13, Regional Colorado Department of Transportation Area Director Bill Thiebaut met with La Veta Town Board members and representatives from La Veta Trails, Inc. to discuss possible CDOT funding for bike and hiking trails in and around La Veta. Thiebaut was impressed by the presentation stating, “I like what I see and hear from you. We need to improve how our highways connect to pedestrian and bike paths.” Photo by Bob Kennemer
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