by Colette M Armijo

CCRR8 started unofficially in 2013. County Manager Don Day and Chief Larry Osborn saw the need for young, trained volunteers in the more rural areas of Colfax County. With Raton being the area with the largest population, it was focused on for recruitments. CCRR8 then became a ‘probationary Fire Department’ in April 2014, providing back up to any department in Colfax County who needs it. CCRR8 assists whenever needed to support the Raton Fire and Emergency Services.
Upon the successful completion of the required one year probationary period, CCRR8 proudly stands tall as having the best trained volunteer departments in the county with a total of 30 members. Monty Colangelo – Ops Chief and Larry Osborn – Administrative Chief both lead the team of CCRR8.
Other members of CCRR8 are Leroy Sandoval, AnaLouisa Coronado, Leroy Sandoval, Tim Trujillo, Doug Fredrickson, Randy Norris, Noelle Segovia, John Brown, Tim Atwater, Jack Polen, Karl Trujillo, Daniel Montoya, Mathew Alderette, Kevin Nolen, Jim McMahon, Justin Hare, Mike Vialpando, Sandy Sandoval, Eddie Lawrence, Seth Branscome, Keith Gulick, Leroy Romero, Connel Ware and Eric Whaley.
The purpose of CCRR8 is to provide protection from all hazards to the residents of Colfax County and support to other departments in the county. District 8 has an automatic aid agreement with Raton Fire and Emergency Services. This means that whenever an alarm goes out, either in the City of Raton, or in the surrounding county district, District 8 will immediately respond, providing equipment and personnel to the emergency.
To assist Colfax County District 8 officers, they are equipped with one 3000 gallon Tanker/Pumper (Class A apparatus), one 1500 gallon Tanker/Tender and two Type 6 Wildland Trucks. Thirty officers make up the full complement of District 8, many are certified to Firefighter Level 1 and also wildland “red carded”. Most of the officers are from the Raton area with some also being from Springer and Tenjana.
In the words of Chief Larry Osborn, “Being a chief is one of the greatest accomplishments of my career. I am very proud of the accomplishments of our members, and all the hard work they have put in to make this one the top departments in the county.”
CCRR8 also appreciates the cooperation and assistance of Raton Fire and Emergency Services in working with the county to help train their members.
Colfax County District 8 Rapid Response meets every other Thursday, at 6:30 pm, at 217 North 3rd Street in Raton, just across from the old courthouse. New members are welcome so should you or anyone else you know be interested in being a part of keeping Colfax County safe, please contact Chief Larry Osborn at 575-447-1639.

Top Row L-R: Asst. Chief Nathaniel Sandoval, Chief Larry Osborn, Mike Vialpando, Jim McMahon, AnaLouisa Coranado, Kristoffer Vatlestead, Chief Monty Colangelo, Captain Chris Sandlin, David Lee Valdez and Lt. Mark Baxter.
Bottom Row L-R: Lt. Ira Simpson, Tim Atwater, Ed Alcon, Lt. Krystal Avrit, Noelle Segovia, Lt. Danielle Martinez, Justin Hare and Mark Vickers. Photo by Colette M. Armijo.