By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Express Aviation Services was born out of a need, a need to keep the Raton Crews Field Airport fixed base operations open for business and to keep people employed.
Express Aviation owner Robert Funk heard that previous FBO operators Pegasus Aviation needed to sell the operation due to circumstances beyond their control. A deal was struck in late 2014 and just a few short months later the terminal took on a revised look.
A new paint job and windows in the terminal along with heated vibrating recliners inside have spruced up the place a bit. There are now six new Chevrolet Suburbans sitting under a canopy for customer to rent. According to Steve Boyce airport manager the Suburbans can also be rented by non-flyers who may need the extra space too. The airport also provides pilot’s vehicles free of charge for those pilots who need to travel into town or who will be in the area waiting on passengers.
Express Aviation Services is working with the City of Raton to build large hangar, big enough to house the corporate jets that often use the airport. The building will be used for deicing operations as needed and storage of the large aircraft. Other improvements at the airport included LED runway lights and illuminated windsocks.
Boyce says the airport is located in a great location allowing pilots to land here and then travel on over to the ski resorts in the mountains west of Raton. Or for the many ranchers who use the airport to be closer to their ranches.
EAS has adopted the motto “Fly Safe, Fly Raton.” This way pilots who are unfamiliar with mountain flying can have a safe haven. Raton is also equally located between Denver, Amarillo and Albuquerque as well as a great fuel stop for cross country flights.
With these things in mind Boyce said, “we are here for the pilot” with hopes of bringing in more business to the area. EAS strives to keep their fuel prices competitive despite the fluctuating market. EAS wants to be the small country friendly professional airport for the flying public.

Our appreciation to City of Raton and to Bob Funk and Steve Boyce for restoring the name of
Crews Field to the Municipal Airport. It is indeed an honor to have the donor of that land recognized
once again. The family of Mr. Crews thanks you very much.