By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
With little discussion the Raton City Commission breezed through their regular meeting agenda and honored the first responders who are credited with saving one of their own.
Ricco Trujillo, a city employee, suffered a heart attack and strongly feels that he would not have survived the incident had it not been for the first responders that day more specifically Dispatcher Valerie Mojica, Police Officer John valdez, Deputy Fire Chief Chris Espinosa, Lt. Firefighter Ken Gonzales, Fire Fighter/EMT Richard Garcia and Fire Fighter Edward Alcon.
The commission moved quickly to approve Resolution 2015-01 the open meetings act and approving the December 9, 2014 meeting minutes.
They heard from Treasurer Michael Ann Antonucci that the November financial report showed a 1.2988% decrease in the gross receipts. Antonucci is hopeful that the December report will show better numbers as a result of holiday shopping. Commissioners approved the report and the budget adjustments for January.
Commissioners heard from Jason Phillips about the process to select an engineering firm for upcoming projects. A committee of three, Dan Campbell, Commissioner Ron Chavez and Phillips graded the seven firms that applied for the contract. Engineering Analytics from Ft. Collins, Colorado was graded the highest by all three members. It was noted that this firm has an office in downtown Raton. Commissioners approved the awarding of a contract to Engineering Analytics. That contract will be negotiated and written up for the commissioner’s approval at an up coming meeting.
Commissioners also approved the grant application for repaving about half the trails in Roundhouse Park. Phase two of that project will require another grant application and will complete that repaving project. The grant will be for $50,000 of which the city will match with just over $6000.
In City Manager Scott Berry’s report it was noted that the traffic signal at Park and Third was disabled and will eventually be removed. Stops signs for north south traffic are in place with east and west traffic unopposed.
The First Street water line project will begin in the spring when the weather warms up. Larry Berg a member of the sanitation department received his recycling certification which will allow him to help at the recycling center.
Berry then informed the commission that he has hired John Garcia as the new Police Chief. Garcia is a 14 1/2-year veteran of the department and a four-year veteran of the air force. Berry noted Garcia has moved up through the ranks at Raton PD.
With that the commission adjourned and will meet again on January 27, 2015 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers.

Raton Fire – FF Richard Garcia, FF Jacob Butt, FF Carl Ortiz, FF Edward Alcon, Cpt Anthony Burk, Deputy Chief Chris Espinoza, Police Dept – Chief John Garcia, Sgt James Valdez, Ofc Orlando Avila, Ofc John Valdez, Ocf Andrew Sanchez, Ofc Scott Vinson, Dispatchers Carol Baca and Valerie Mojica.