By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioners appointed a new commissioner after extending the deadline for applications two weeks ago. Lindè Schuster, one of five applicants was chosen to fill the vacancy left by Jimmy Fanelli who resigned due to job scheduling conflicts.
The other candidates were Chris Candelario, Ray Mondragon, Lee Phillips and Ira Simpson. There was very little discussion as Mayor Mantz made the initial nomination followed by Commissioner Ron Chavez indicating Schuster’s application was the most enthusiastic and Commissioner Don Giacomo quickly agreed. Schuster will be sworn in before the October 14 meeting.
Commissioners approved a new stale check policy that will allow the city treasuer to be more aggressive in getting the checks cashed so that the money won’t be escheated to the state unclaimed property office.
Commissioners then approved the street closures for the Homecoming Parade and the Halloween Zombie Parade as well as approving the transfer of the airport FBO agreement from Pegasus Aviation to Express Aviation owned by Robert Funk. Ty Clinesmith, owner of Pegasus Aviation, said now I can enjoy my job not having to worry about two jobs at once. This was a simple sale of the business from one owner to another operator.
City Manager Butch McGowen told commissioners there were still several board vacancies that need to be filled. He hoped that some of the community’s younger generation would step up and apply.
The city will rebid the multimodal bid as the one bid they got was $500,000 over estimates.
The commission also approved the extension of the golf course easement and lien to allow the country club to make improvements in the watering system for the course. The extension will be for 10 years.
The New Mexico Main Street will be intown for their annual review next week.
The audit will also begin in September by White & Samaniego & Campbell, LLP.
Commissioners then adjourned and will meet again on October 14 at 6:00 p.m. in the commission chambers.
![Raton City Commissioners met Tuesday evening and appointed a new city commissioner, Lindè Schuster.](