By Marty Mayfield
KRTN Multi-Media
Raton city commissioner Jimmy Fanelli informed his fellow commissioners Tuesday evening that due to his new work schedule he is resigning from the commission after the August 25 commission meeting.
Fanelli tried working with the company but was unable to make schedule changes so he could attend the commission meetings. Fanelli has been on the commission for about three years and he noted that he had learned a lot from the experience. On a good note as well the mining company Fanelli works for is now shipping coal from the mine.
David Stafford came before the commission to request the city approve a grant request from the State of New Mexico RE-LEAF program between Grow Raton and the city to plant trees. The project this year will be asking for $6,000 to plant trees on First Street between Rio Grand and Cook. Grow Raton has received money the last two years from the New Mexico Re-Leaf program. Resolution 2014-26 directs the city staff to help Grow Raton with the project as they can.
Commissioners approved the first budget adjustment for the 2014-2015 fiscal year, which moves money into the street fund. It also makes adjustments in the police department budget and the EMS budget and corrects a typo in the sanitation fund.
Commissioners heard from city manager Butch McGowen about the cornerstone ceremony at the Shuler next week. They will be getting the Infrastructure Capital Improvement Plan at the next meeting and McGowen hopes the agreement for aging and long term care agreement will be ready then too.
The street projects that the city will be looking at will include one on First Street and work on the Park Ave drainage issue.
The next city commission meeting will be held on Monday August 25, at noon in the commission chambers to allow commissioners to attend the New Mexico Municipal League conference.